Edward Norton Would Star In An Avatar Sequel Under One Condition

Every actor has to bring their own internal compass to the process of selecting roles. This process varies from actor to actor and is based on their own priorities as an artist as well as their career aspirations. It's interesting to learn about this process when such details are made available to the public. That was the case when Edward Norton revealed precisely what it would take for him to sign onto one of James Cameron's upcoming "Avatar" sequels, and why he said no to a role in "Avatar 2" in favor of a part in "Alita: Battle Angel" in 2019, where Cameron also served as producer.

In fact, Norton previously admitted that his part in "Alita" came about from discussions with the famed science-fiction/action filmmaker about a part in "Avatar 2." This opportunity could have led to another big role for the award-winning actor. But Norton said no to the role Cameron had in mind for him, and his reasoning is interesting — as well as pretty funny.

Norton says he's only interested in appearing in an Avatar squeal as a Na'vi

In an interview with Total Film to promote "Alita: Battle Angel" back in 2019, Norton spoke about the circumstances that led to him being cast in the film in an unspoken cameo role as antagonist Nova, an immortal scientist who has the ability to possess people. This role was intended to serve as a setup for future sequels.

"I am friends with Jim [Cameron], and actually enormously admire and kind of adore him," said Norton. The actor revealed that Cameron offered him a part in "Avatar 2," as a human antagonist who attempts to "destroy Pandora" as part of "the industrial world." This, Norton said, did not meet his expectations for a potential role in a "Avatar" movie. "I basically told him, 'If I'm not a Na'vi, I'm not doing it...I'm either a Na'vi or nothing,'" he explained.

That's evidently not happening in "Avatar 2," but the good news for fans hoping to see Norton as a Na'vi (a group that seems to include Norton himself), the door has been left open for those additional "Avatar" sequels that are supposed to be in the works. "[Cameron] was like, 'OK, maybe in 3, 4 or 5, then," Norton quipped, adding that this was what led to him being cast in "Alita."