John Boyega Says The Last Jedi Is An 'Epic Dark Story'

Much like The Empire Strikes Back, the second chapter of the new Star Wars trilogy will apparently take a darker turn.

John Boyega, who plays Finn, recently revealed all that he could to Variety, and he hinted that The Last Jedi will find the Resistance in a state of uncertainty. "The Resistance isn't in the best condition," Boyega said. "Things are shaky."

Of course, Boyega's character will be in a particularly rough spot after the events of The Force Awakens. Finn, the Stormtrooper-turned-Resistance fighter, suffered a serious injury at the hands of Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), and he'll need some time to recover, possibly with a bacta suit. Once Finn is back in action, he'll do some soul-searching.

"It's a chance for each character to decide what side they're on and decide what they're fighting for," he said. "It's an epic dark story. At the same time it's still fun. It's still Star Wars."

Before filming got underway, Boyega met with director Rian Johnson to make sure they had the same vision for where Finn goes in The Last Jedi. Johnson said they definitely did. "We were on the same page," Johnson said. "We wanted this to be the movie where his character strengthens, not just by becoming a better-drawn character, but by literally finding his strength and discovering what he believes in."

Boyega also said the movie will have a bittersweet tone due to the death of Carrie Fisher. It'll be the final onscreen appearance of the late actress, and Boyega said the film will pay homage to the legacy of Fisher and her iconic character Leia.

"Carrie Fisher means freedom," he said. "She influenced people to be authentic and say what you want, however you want. I'll miss her energy. You were always going to hear Carrie Fisher somewhere saying something that she has no business saying, that makes everybody laugh."

We'll get to find out for ourselves when The Last Jedi hits theaters on Dec. 15. In the meantime, check out why the movie will blow you away.