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20% Of Fans Said This Was Their Least Favorite Umbrella Academy Character

For decades, the Avengers, the Justice League, and the X-Men were the biggest names in superhero teams. Though their rosters were constantly changing, the teams and their respective members could always be trusted to arrive in the nick of time and save the day. Over the last several years, however, pop culture has witnessed the dramatic rise of the underdog team. These teams — like the Doom Patrol and the Suicide Squad — comprise a variety of oddballs, rejects, and mischief-makers. While not the most reliable, and infamously difficult to manage, these underdog teams eventually save the day, though usually on their own terms.

On Netflix, one of the more interesting underdog teams — The Umbrella Academy — has captured the audience's interest as it made the transition from comic book to live-action series. Recently, Looper fielded a survey asking readers which "The Umbrella Academy" character is their least favorite. The 633 participants in the survey spread their votes fairly evenly, though one Hargreeves sibling is the clear "winner."

The time traveler, the deceased, and the violinist

With 8.85% of the vote, Five Hargreeves (Aidan Gallagher) is likely quite pleased that he beat his siblings. To be fair, Five does deserve a bit of a break. After all, he spent decades stuck in an apocalyptic future before returning to his own time only to find that his siblings had physically grown while he remained in the body of a young boy. The teleporting time traveler has the unfortunate distinction of being the youngest member of the group physically while also being the eldest in terms of actual years lived (58 to be exact).

Next, with 10.58% of the vote, is another Hargreeves sibling who also spent years displaced from most of his adopted siblings. When "The Umbrella Academy" begins, Ben Hargreeves (Justin H. Min) is already deceased. His main method of communicating is through his brother Klaus, who possesses the ability to speak with the dead. In Season 2, Ben heads into the afterlife after preventing Vanya from unleashing utter destruction.

Speaking of Vanya (Elliot Page), she managed to receive only 12.48% of the vote despite nearly ending all existence. Though a member of the Hargreeves clan, Vanya initially is believed to lack any super ability. That changes, though, as the series progresses, revealing Vanya to be one of the most powerful of the group. Her adopted father, Reginald (Colm Feore), so feared her incredible gift that he drugged her without her consent to suppress her ability to turn sound into destructive energy blasts. When Season 3 arrives, it will be interesting to watch Vanya learn to control her gift.

Rumors, weapons, and apes

Allison Hargreeves (Emmy Raver-Lampman) is sitting comfortably in the center of the pack with 14.22% of the vote. Though all the Hargreeves children share the same date of birth, Allison presents as the most mature — which is a fairly low bar. That said, there have been occasions when she misused her ability to control the minds of others, with one incident resulting in her losing custody of her daughter. Allison lost her gift towards the end of Season 1 after Vanya sliced her throat with a violin bow before regaining it in Season 2. As the new season approaches, fans will likely be eager to see what becomes of Allison's on-again, off-again relationship with Luther.

In third place is the group's most skilled fighter, Diego (David Castañeda), with 16.43% of the vote. Armed with the ability to direct his arsenal with deadly accuracy, Diego left the Umbrella Academy prior to the start of the series to become a vigilante. Though all the Hargeeves children have issues with their adoptive father, Diego also harbors resentment towards his brother Luther, who Reginald treated like the golden boy.

The golden boy himself, Luther Hargreeves (Tom Hopper), received 17.38% of the vote, and thus takes the second-place spot. Devoted to his father, Luther spent years living on the Moon at Reginald's direction. His super strength easily makes him the team's heaviest hitter, though he is highly embarrassed of his body — which Reginald spliced with gorilla DNA, turning Luther into a human-ape hybrid with extremely oversized muscles. As the family's most melancholy member, Luther spent much of Seasons 1 and 2 trying to accept his appearance while pursuing his adopted sister Allison.

Klaus' childhood trauma inspired his hedonism

In first place, with 20.06% of the vote, is Klaus (Robert Sheehan), the group's medium who abuses his ability to communicate with the dead in order to gain access to drugs and wealth. Of all the Hargreeves children, Klaus experienced the worst of their father's abuse, leading to Klaus withdrawing from those closest to him and seeking any means to block out his immense psychological pain.

When the team time travels to the 1960s, the free-spirited Klaus starts a cult — with him as its leader — and indulges in all the sex and drugs his status affords him. His teachings are little more than song lyrics from the future, but his unsuspecting devotees believe the profound words are his own.

Though Klaus' addictions began as a child — turning to drugs and alcohol to drown out the voices of the dead — his deceased brother Ben makes valiant efforts to steer Klaus towards a better, sober life. The audience saw glimpses of a more-grounded Klaus when he fell in love with Dave, a fellow soldier in the Vietnam War. Unfortunately, Dave is killed in battle, dying in Klaus' arms. Hopefully, Season 3 will give Klaus a fresh start and let him conquer his many demons.