Wonder Woman 2 Script Being Written 'Right Now'

Looks like DC and Warner Bros. are starting to lasso in the upcoming Wonder Woman 2. Geoff Johns, president and Chief Creative Officer at DC Comics, has confirmed that he's begun work on the script for the sequel. 

Speaking with Yahoo! Movies, just hours before of Warner Bros. official panel at San Diego Comic-Con, Johns dished up two important details about the screenplay. "I'm working right now on the Wonder Woman 2 script. I just started," said Johns. 

Original Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins previously spoke out about the sequel film, reportedly confirming that she'd be directing. 

"I had an epiphany about Wonder Woman 2," Jenkins said in an interview. "I was like, 'You don't have to do this. It doesn't have to be a foregone conclusion that you do Wonder Woman 2.' But then as I was falling asleep, I had an epiphany. I was like, 'Wait a minute. You have the greatest character of all time that you love dearly, with a cast that you love sitting at the palm of your hand at this day and age. You can do whatever you want with them. Are you crazy?' And then I suddenly realized, it's not more, it's another movie. It's its own movie. And it's got to be great."

The film is also rumored to be set in the '80s and take place in America. Jenkins said of the change of scenery: "I'm excited for her to come to America and become the Wonder Woman we are all familiar with from having grown up around her as an American superhero. I'd like to bring her a little farther along into the future and have a fun, exciting storyline that is its own thing. Wonder Woman 1 is so much about her becoming the person she is. I can't wait to spring forward with who she is and have another great standalone superhero film."

However, Jenkins recently took to Twitter to clarify that her involvement with Wonder Woman 2 hasn't been officially confirmed. "[We're] just talking about ideas and hopes. But still excited and hopeful," she wrote.

While Warner Bros. hasn't officially announced the impending sequel, it's likely already penciled into the DC Extended Universe film slate given how successful Diana Prince's solo outing was in the box office and amongst critics.

As we wait to learn more about the Wonder Woman follow-up, discover what really happened at the end of the first film.