The Book Of Boba Fett Season 1 Ending Explained

Warning: Spoilers ahead for the finale of "The Book of Boba Fett"

"The Book of Boba Fett" has finally come to a close, as the titular bounty hunter (Temuera Morrison) rallies his forces to go head-to-head against the Pyke Syndicate and its enforcer, Cad Bane (Corey Burton/Dorian Kingi). The series goes in some interesting directions in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6, which heavily focus on Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal), Grogu, and Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill). But the finale brings everything back to Tatooine as Boba's battle with the Pykes escalates into an all-out war across Mos Espa. But does the finale have ramifications for the wider "Star Wars" universe? Does the show's ending tease what's ahead in "The Mandalorian" Season 3? Sort of.

We'll be discussing spoilers from here on out, so don't get as angry as a rampaging Rancor if you haven't seen "The Book of Boba Fett" finale yet! The tension on Tatooine cranks up from the very beginning of the episode, as Boba, Fennec Shand (Ming-Na Wen), and Din survey the Sanctuary wreckage — R.I.P. Garsa Fwip (Jennifer Beals). Boba also faces an emotional blow as Bane reveals that the Pykes are actually the ones who killed the Tusken tribe, not the Nikto Sand Riders. The massacre is revenge for their attack on the Spice train. All of this only hardens Boba's determination to rid Tatooine of the Syndicate once and for all.

But when the battle for Mos Espa gets started, writer Jon Favreau and director Robert Rodriguez deliver a pulse-pounding fight for the very soul of Tatooine. Luckily,  Boba, Din, and Fennec aren't alone in their struggle...

Grogu returns

The big cliffhanger at the end of Chapter 6 sees Luke Skywalker offer Grogu a choice — he can either take the Beskar chainmail and return to Din Djarin, or he can pick Yoda's old lightsaber and train to become a fully-fledged Jedi. On one hand, it would be great to see him train in the Force and master his abilities, but we all know that he belongs with his surrogate father. 

Thankfully, Favreau gives fans what they want as R2-D2 lands Luke's X-wing in Peli Motto's (Amy Sedaris) hangar, with Grogu sitting comfortably in the pilot's seat. Because Grogu's memory is clouded, he doesn't have many meaningful connections — and although Luke and Ahsoka Tano (Rosario Dawson) are kind to him, he's got a much closer bond with Din.

At least his brief time with Luke means he already has a better grip on his Force abilities than he did before, which is quite useful when the streets of Mos Espa erupt into a deadly firefight when the other gangs of the city betray their treaty with Boba, attacking Boba's enforcers. It's not exactly surprising, since the different factions are clearly just out for money rather than respect. Although, things start to look dire when the hordes of Pykes deploy two deadly Scorpenek droids. Oh dear. Nevertheless, Boba has some other backup to rely on.

Boba Fett rides his pet Rancor

The devastating power of the Scorpenek droids causes chaos in the battle because their shields are too strong for Boba's army to blast through with any of their weapons. Din Djarin even whips out the Darksaber to try to penetrate the shields, but it has no effect at all — although he probably needs some more training to carry its weight. But then, the finale pays off on Chapter 3's promise as Boba finally rides his Rancor into battle. Maybe he's off taking riding lessons from Danny Trejo in the previous two episodes while we follow Din. Anyway, the monster's power quickly overwhelms the first Scorpenek droid, with a little help from Grogu.

Luke's training comes in handy for the little green Force-user, as he yanks a key component from the droid's parts that makes it vulnerable. Grogu clearly has a fondness for shiny metal objects, because it's pretty reminiscent of the way he grabs that ball from the Razor Crest in "The Mandalorian" Season 1. Anyway, after the Rancor finishes the first droid off, Boba steers it to the second, quickly eviscerating it. The destruction of the droids and the sheer power of the Rancor sends the Pykes running, which is a nice piece of symbolism: Tatooine is taking itself back from its oppressors. Although, it's not over just yet, as Cad Bane shows his (blue) face again to try to kill Boba.

Boba Fett duels Cad Bane

Cad Bane's arrival at the end of Chapter 6 calls back to the Western genre which George Lucas was originally inspired by when creating "Star Wars" back in the 1970s. Director Robert Rodriguez leans into the gunslinging genre once again for Boba Fett's duel with Bane in the finale, as they trade insults in a tense standoff. Bane even points out that they've known each other a long time, calling back to the times they cross paths during Dave Filoni's animated series, "Star Wars: The Clone Wars."

Bane makes it clear that he might be an old man, but he's still quicker than Boba when it comes to a quickdraw gunfight. For a minute, it even looks like Bane might kill Boba, pointing a gun at his face, saying, "look out for yourself, anything else is weakness," referring to Boba's new reliance on his friends. But this is Boba, he doesn't go down that easily, which is why he uses his gaffi stick to swiftly knock Bane to the ground — symbolizing how his new strength comes from having a family. He even avenges his fallen Tusken tribe by killing Bane with the stick... Sure, he's a fan-favorite villain, but his death has been a long time coming.

It's a new era for Tatooine

Cad Bane's death causes the few remaining Pykes to retreat — let's face it, if he can't take Boba Fett down, who can? So, it looks like this is a new era for Tatooine now that the crime lord has liberated the planet from the Pyke Syndicate. Fennec Shand even wipes out that gang's last foothold on the planet by killing their leader and executing Mayor Mok Shaiz (Robert Rodriguez/John Rosengrant). Leaving either of them alive would mean that the Spice trade on Tatooine could start up again.

Some time after the big battle, Fett comes to a surprising conclusion when he sees the Mos Espa residents bowing and calling him "Lord Boba." He tells Fennec that they're not cut out to rule, implying that Black Krrsantan and the Mods could keep the peace for a while. It's an interesting development in Boba's arc, since the whole series follows his path to becoming the crime lord. Now that he's come to power, he doesn't want it? Curious. But then, a lot of his goals stem from ensuring safety for the Tuskens and the other natives after the massacre of his tribe. Now that he's saved the planet, he realizes that he doesn't need power to be happy, he just needs a family.

Speaking of family, the finale ends with Din flying his Naboo Starfighter through space as Grogu sits in the astromech pod behind him. The little green Force-user even pesters him to fly at high speeds, and Din — like any parent — reluctantly obliges. It's not clear where they're headed, although it's possible Din wants to redeem himself in the waters of Mandalore underneath the planet's mines.

Cobb Vanth gets a bacta-nap

Of course, it wouldn't be a Disney+ series if there wasn't a post-credits scene teasing the future of the galaxy! The brief scene takes audiences back to Boba's quarters, where Cobb Vanth (Timothy Olyphant) is recuperating in the gunslinger's bacta tank, where The Modifier (Thundercat) from Chapter 4 is keeping an eye on him. This clearly suggests that Vanth is severely wounded when shot by Cad Bane, but not killed. It's also interesting that the Vanth reveal comes shortly after Fett says he doesn't want to rule Mos Espa or Tatooine.

It's entirely possible that Vanth could rise from being the Marshal of Mos Pelgo/Freetown to protecting the entire planet. He's a worthy successor for the throne, as the natives already respect him — but they also know he has no problem dealing with threats like the Pyke Syndicate. It'll be interesting to see how the modification artist fixes his injuries, although he's definitely going to need some new armor to wear instead of just a shirt and a bandana. Maybe Din Djarin can give him some spare Beskar in "The Mandalorian" Season 3.