The Character From Kreese's Past Cobra Kai Fans Want To See Return

In the lineup of template bad guys, "Cobra Kai" antagonist John Kreese (Martin Kove) stands sneering somewhere between a "Power Rangers" villain and a "Street Fighter" final boss. The man with a perma-scowl that can't be stood for too long without pulling at his own gi suit (most likely to stop his inner rage from exploding outward) has been a top-tier antagonist for "The Karate Kid" comeback series since he returned. However, surely any other rational human being would've accepted the shameful defeats from "The Karate Kid" and "The Karate Kid Part III" and moved on with their life? Get a job, maybe? Take up a new hobby? Just what is it that drives Kreese to keep training teenagers to fight each other on a regular basis?

Well, as we learned in the third season of "Cobra Kai," Kreese wasn't always this way. Following a series of flashbacks that flooded that season, we learned that the head of Cobra Kai went through some traumatic experiences in Vietnam but came out with a new (now former) friend, Terry Silver (Thomas Ian Griffith). However, even before his time in the military, there was one trigger point in the early years of Kreese's life that set him on the path he's never managed to walk away from. From there, there's one character that fans would love to see come back in future seasons to settle some unfinished business.

Fans want Kreese to face off against an old foe

If you were to cast your mind back to the third season of "Cobra Kai," the early years of John Kreese saw him working as a busboy at a diner in 1965. In one scene, he gets harassed by a high school jock, who is only identified as David. The show initially did an excellent job of duping us into suggesting David — who was actually played by Martin Kove's son, Jesse Kove — was Kreese at a young age, sharing all the traits we'd come to associate with the Cobra Kai head. With that in mind, it would be interesting to see if Kreese could get some payback after all these years.

A Reddit thread suggested just that after throwing out the idea of David potentially returning to the series, as well as having links to previous chapters in the franchise. AcroyearOfSPartak offered, "he moved to LA, went into intensive training, built up his skills and became a Hall Monitor. Eventually, he was so effective that the school decided to have him train a group of successors that he named The Alphas," referring to Michael Ironside's character in "The Next Karate Kid."

Mediocre-Fuel-6323 said, "I'm going to guess he's Tom Cole's father," theorizing that the relative to the bully could very well be the competing car salesman to Daniel LaRusso (Ralph Macchio). Well, they've already got one joint foe in Terry Silver — what's one more? Either way, we'll have to see if fans' hopes are brought to life when "Cobra Kai" returns for Season 5 at the end of 2022.