The Boys Presents: Diabolical Teaser Is All Fast Food And Laser Babies

Fans of psychopathic cape-wearers and foul-mouthed Londoners with a New Zealand twang, rejoice! While we're not going to be seeing "The Boys" take on The Seven for a third-round just yet, Amazon Prime Video has released a fresh new look at their other bloody treat.

Set in the same universe as the beloved show, the all-new snippet from "The Boys Presents: Diabolical" teases a commercial for Vought-A-Burger, the franchise of restaurants owned by the all-powerful company in the live-action series that handle Homelander and the rest of The Seven.

The new video lines up with the classic animation style that was being replicated in the last "Diabolical" teaser (via YouTube). Not only nailing the vulgar and ultra-violent ingredients so often applied to "The Boys" series, but the faux ad also manages to squeeze in a few cameos from the comics that the original show is based on, while still applying some extra special sauce. Personally, we wouldn't eat it if we were you.

Jack from Jupiter lands at Vought-A-Burger

Besides a reappearance from the same heat-vision-wielding toddler we saw in the last preview for "Diabolical," there's also a familiar face for fans of Garth Ennis' hero-eviscerating comic book series. During a shot of the dining area of this particular Vought-A-Burger, you'll be able to see an orange, Martian Manhunter-type super sitting down, who makes a much bigger meal of things in the original story.

In "The Boys" comic, Jack from Jupiter is one of the original members of The Seven, unlike the one we know and fear. Given the nature of his character and the unavoidable budget probably required to bring him to life, it's understandable why he didn't make the cut once the comic transferred over to television. Nevertheless, seeing him appear in this new, animated teaser is a nice touch, and could suggest that he may make an appearance in the live-action series after all.

For now, we can look forward to seeing Jack and the rest of these seedy costumed supers in cartoon form when "Diabolical" arrives on Amazon Prime Video on March 4.