Why Chevy's New Walter In Winter Commercial Has The Internet In Love

These days, a lot is up in the air, but you can always count on cats to add a little joy to your day. Our feline friends have come to dominate certain sections of the internet, with the likes of Grumpy Cat, Lil-Bub, Garfi, Keyboard Cat, and Maru having their very own dedicated fanbases. Along those lines, there have been several commercials that have capitalized on our collective love for animals, like the Taco Bell Chihuahua, the Cadbury Bunny, the AFLAC Duck, and Morris the Cat for 9Lives cat food.

At this intersection of cats and commercials comes the latest entry from Chevrolet, a well-known American automobile company. This particular commercial features the Chevy Silverado and a cat named Walter, who has also appeared in earlier Chevy commercials. What has endeared this cat to the masses though is how much the cat behaves like a dog, and it seems like the denizens of the internet have a new cat-based champion.

The internet loves seeing a cat act like a dog

Comments on both Twitter and YouTube have been overwhelmingly positive when it comes to Walter the Cat. In this new commercial from Chevy, Walter is seen chasing the mailman, presenting a leash in order to go for a walk, digging people out of the snow, and even leading a pack of sled dogs. Needless to say, it seems that people can't get enough of this new commercial. On the YouTube video, user Agent_Bedrock said, "This one is even better than the original. I think this is good advertising, and when I say good, I mean good," with user aridus46 replying, "I actually looked up a commercial to watch for entertainment. Chevy you are doing this right." Scrolling through the comments, one can see that there isn't an ounce of negativity.

Meanwhile, on Chevy's Twitter feed, fans have also heaped tons of praise on the new advertisement, with people expressing their strong affection for Walter and their need to see more of the cat. Twitter users MonicaRacz1, S2j3607, jaffobsession, and Roses4Janis all used the word "love" to describe their feelings, while user Beach4Me524 added, "I was wondering if I'd be the only crazy person wanting to tweet about these #Silverado #WalterTheCat cat commercials but I see I'm not." Judging by these comments, one can only hope that we will get much more of Walter the Cat and his Chevy Silverado soon.