Things You Only Notice When You Rewatch CSI: Miami Season 1

After the popularity of "CSI" and crime drama series in general, producers of the show along with CBS agreed to create the spin-off series "CSI: Miami." The first episode aired in 2002, and the show ran until its cancellation in 2012. With the first episode, audiences noticed some of the qualities in "CSI: Miami" that make it unique and memorable (Can I get a "Yeeeaaaaahhhh" anyone?). The show's orange and blue hues, along with the main character Horatio Caine (David Caruso) dropping one-liners and sliding on his signature black sunglasses before every opening sequence, are notable details that fans love.

Now that it's been two decades since the show's debut, a few more details noticed in "CSI: Miami" Season 1 are being highlighted by fans. These details are easily missed when watching the show for the first time, but when given a rewatch, they'll change the way you think about the rest of "CSI: Miami."

The phone number on the police cars is accurate

With all the criminals, crimes, and crime scenes, one thing to be expected for viewers of "CSI: Miami" is police cars. As a result, countless squad cars are seen throughout the series, starting from the very first season. But, interestingly enough, these cars have one factual detail that may be easy to miss.

There is a phone number listed on the side of each police car in "CSI: Miami" that is large enough for viewers to see, and it isn't just some random number. This phone number is the actual number for the Miami-Dade Police Department's non-emergency line. The phone number, (305) 4 – POLICE, is what citizens in Miami-Dade county dial to file a non-emergency police report.

This small but notable detail remains throughout the entirety of the series but goes unnoticed by most. The creators of "CSI: Miami" didn't give a reason for why they used the actual number, but it's an excellent touch for a crime drama and a detail about the show that isn't forgotten once learned.

Alexx talks to the criminals and the victims differently

In Season 1, characters and all of the quirks about them that audiences come to know and love are introduced for the first time. For example, the medical examiner, Alexx Woods (Khandi Alexander), is first seen in the show's introduction done as a crossover with "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation," and then seen again in the "CSI: Miami" opening episode, "Golden Parachute."

Woods is known for her way of talking to the victims' bodies. She often refers to them in a kind-hearted and endearing fashion. She puts care and passion into her job, and it shows through the respect she has for the dead. While Woods is always warm and kind to the victims she works with, many viewers may not realize right away, but Woods talks to all of the bodies. Not just those that have heinous crimes committed against them, but those that commit the crimes too. 

The way she interacts with criminals' bodies is with that of an intense dislike and is far from the kind-hearted talk that she gives the victims. Ultimately, she does the job and does it well, but it's clear with her actions where her heart is.

The numbers in the title sequence are actually equations

Watching "CSI: Miami" for the first time, it's nearly impossible to miss the iconic opening sequences. Usually, an episode starts with an introductory crime scene, followed by a witty one-liner from Horatio Caine, and then the blaring opening credits song by The Who. It's an intro well-known by millions, no doubt, but one easily overlooked thing in the opener is the names of the show's cast.

Each cast member's name begins as a unique equation in the credits, like David Caruso's equation of "4y – 1 = 3b(Nh)." While some of the equations are similar to one another, no cast member's equation is the same. There have been fans who have tried to solve the math problems to hopefully find some type of hidden meaning, but none have been successful (so far).

There hasn't been any explanation for the equations or any clarification on whether or not there's a deeper purpose for them. Still, fans can't help but try to solve these unique math problems once they notice them.

Criminal Kip Miller later becomes Dave Benton

In Season 7, Episode 17, "Divorce Party," an audio/visual specialist by the name of Dave Benton (Wes Ramsey) is introduced to the series, but this isn't the first time Ramsey's face is seen on the show. In fact, he first appears in "CSI: Miami" in the very first season. 

In Season 1, Episode 21, "Spring Break," Ramsey plays the part of the stalker and predator, Kip Miller. Miller travels to Miami, where he's later arrested for stalking and murdering multiple women while visiting the area for spring break. Obviously, the new character Ramsey plays when he returns in Season 7 is entirely different and non-homicidal in comparison to Miller. In fact, the two characters are so different that this detail is easily overlooked by those who may be watching the show for the first time.

When a series has been on the air for as long as "CSI: Miami," there are those that will watch the entire thing from beginning to end more than once, and sometimes a second watch is all it takes to catch the finer details that may have been missed before.