Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman Pay Similar To Henry Cavill's Man Of Steel Salary

Earlier this week, the Internet exploded with reports that Gal Gadot got paid just $300,000 for Wonder Woman while Henry Cavill got nearly $14 million for Man of Steel. While the gender pay gap in Hollywood is definitely still very real, it turns out that, in this case, it wasn't anywhere near as extreme, as the erroneous report was basically comparing apples and oranges when it comes to where the two are at in their contracts.

As Vanity Fair notes, the $300,000 Gadot was paid is a base salary for her first appearances in the DCEU. This low (for Hollywood) base salary is typical of smaller name actors launching big budget franchises, and is similar to the numbers doled out to Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, and, in all likelihood, Cavill. "Entry-level actors in franchise films are paid an initial rate," a source told Vanity Fair. "As a franchise takes off, they stand to make more money."

These extra funds often come from box office bonuses, which Gadot will definitely be swimming in soon with Wonder Woman's astounding performance. (The film has currently surpassed Man of Steel's domestic gross at this point in its theatrical run thanks to stellar word of mouth and amazing reviews.) Gadot will also likely be seeking a big pay upgrade for the movie's as yet unconfirmed but highly likely sequel, and the actress' box office appeal will put her in high demand (and high cost) for future DCEU films. 

The Vanity Fair source also says that the estimated $14 million for Cavill, which couldn't be confirmed, may be higher than he was actually paid. "It certainly wasn't for one picture," the source says. "That's insane." One possibility to explain the large number is that it could also include his salary and bonuses for his appearance in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Either way, Vanity Fair's source notes that, when all is said and done, Cavill and Gadot will probably come out with the same haul.

Now that that is settled, we can go back to thinking about Wonder Woman 2 and Man of Steel 2, both of which are apparently on the way. While we wait to learn more, see some of the other upcoming DCEU movies that will blow you away.