Chicago Fire Showrunner Gives Bretsey Fans Hope

On Wednesday, December 8, 2021, all three shows in NBC's "Chicago One" franchise aired their midseason finales, bringing their respective storylines to a temporary pause for a winter break that will last until Wednesday, January 5, 2022. With "Chicago Fire," "Chicago Med," and "Chicago PD" all going on hiatus, there's a lot to discuss from each show's midseason finale – and a lot to tease for the second half of the season. 

One of the biggest developments during "Chicago Fire's" current tenth season was Matt Casey's (Jesse Spencer) surprise decision to leave Chicago for Portland, Oregon, where he'll be continuing his firefighting career and raising his deceased best friend Andy Darden's (Corey Sorenson) two sons, Ben (Charlie Babbo) and Griffin (Cameron Scott Roberts). If you're still catching up on Season 10, Casey made the decision after the boys' mother Heather (Chaon Cross) got yet another DUI. 

Casey's departure had several big implications for everyone he left behind in the Windy City. Who would take over as commander of Fire Truck 81? More personally, what would happen with Matt's burgeoning romance with Sylvie Brett (Kara Killmer)? Fans had been shipping "Brettsey" for years, and the firefighter and the paramedic finally hooked up at the end of Season 9. Would Casey's departure mean the end of Brettsey? Or would their relationship continue long-distance?

Fear not, Brettsey shippers. "Chicago Fire" showrunner Derek Haas has your answer.

Brettsey shippers can relax: the couple does indeed have a future

Haas sat down with TV Guide to unpack the Season 10 midseason finale. When interviewer Jean Bentley asked Haas directly what's in store for Brettsey, here's what he said:

"Yeah, they're solid. She's going to go see him at some point in the season," Haas replied. 

Haas went on to tease some upcoming storylines for the back half of Season 10. "We're also going to have a – talking about bringing characters back from past seasons, we haven't seen [Brett's] half-sister Amelia. That was because of the COVID situation, we couldn't have that small of an actress on the set, but now we've gotten the go-ahead so we have an Amelia-Scott episode – Scott was the dad – coming up. And with Casey, yeah, things are solid. It's just complications of a long-distance relationship, but they're not breaking up anytime soon." 

That's a relief. As for the Amelia-Scott situation Haas mentioned, that's a reference to Brett's troubled relationship with her stepfather Scott (Jeff Diebold). Back in Season 8, Brett reconnected with her stepfather and biological mother Julie (Kelly Deadmon) and learned that her mother was pregnant. Unfortunately, Julie died in childbirth, but Scott decided to raise the baby himself, naming her Amelia. It was something of a redemption moment for Scott, but he and Casey still have plenty left to resolve (via Chicago Fire Wiki).

All in all, it sounds like things will be difficult for Brettsey in the latter half of Season 10, but the good news is the couple isn't going anywhere.