James Gunn's Least Favorite Part Of Filmmaking Will Surprise You

Given that anything he touches lately turns to solid gold, it's hard to imagine that "The Suicide Squad" director James Gunn encounters just about any issue at all when it comes to filmmaking. With the wheels slowly beginning to turn for "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3" and his venture into D.C with Harley Quinn, King Shark, and co. earning an incredible $167 million (via The Numbers), there doesn't seem to be anything stopping the wrangler of sweary, slightly uncouth super teams.

Even a prolific director like Gunn has revealed he has his off days. There are specific times in the movie-making process that he enjoys the least, but the final result is what gives audiences the most happiness in the end. So what is it that the director doesn't enjoy about the act of making a film? Surprisingly, it just so happens to be one of the essential parts of the entire process.

Gunn has spoken about some of the fears in filmmaking

A fan took to Twitter to pick Gunn's brain about a common opinion among directors: While pre and post-production are a hoot to handle, shooting the film is the part that's least enjoyable. The director chimed in with the perfect response to why he agreed, saying, "In general, yes. Shooting is overall my least favorite part of the movie-making process, but there are also some magical-feeling peaks that are as great as any other part."

When asked to expand on this, the director compared the act to creating something beautiful. "You've imagined the perfect statue," the director tweeted. "You've spent time drawing it and planning every piece. Then you start chipping at the block of marble. There are moments where the statue is more beautiful than you've imagined and moments where you chip where you shouldn't and it's all scary."

As eloquent as the comparison was for the comic book movie-making master, Gunn then described the type of day for a director that anyone who has hit a snooze button can understand. He continued, "Also, you have to wake up early, and get a certain amount done each day or you're f—-d and sometimes work 18 hour days, sometimes in miserable weather, and people are harder to manage than ideas in your head. (Okay I guess the sculpting analogy is long gone)." We feel you, Mr. Gunn. We really do.

Thankfully, Gunn has fought through those hard hump days and come out delivering fan favorites, as a result. We can only hope that he does the same when the cameras start rolling in Atlanta in November (via LADBible) for "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3," aiming for a release on May 5, 2023.