Wonder Woman Director Reveals Her Sequel Ideas

Will we be seeing more Wonder Woman standalone films in the future? If director Patty Jenkins has her way, absolutely. Jenkins recently sat down with The Toronto Sun to talk about what she wants to see for the future of the character, who will become the first female superhero to lead her own movie when the film is released this summer.

"I'm excited for her to come to America and become the Wonder Woman we are all familiar with from having grown up around her as an American superhero," said Jenkins. "I'd like to bring her a little farther along into the future and have a fun, exciting storyline that is its own thing. Wonder Woman 1 is so much about her becoming the person she is. I can't wait to spring forward with who she is and have another great standalone superhero film."

The first movie will provide an origin story for Diana, something which Jenkins said she "always thought" would be the right direction to go. "I love origin superhero stories and I love the simplicity you can have with that journey," she said. "Also, there was the fact that no one had done her story and the fact that I love her. So it was a treasure trove of potential." While the origin story is a solid place to go for the first movie, Jenkins is right to say that there is still plenty to explore for the character, with the entire time between the first movie and her appearance in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice ripe for exploration.

While the DCEU has yet to produce a critical hit, Wonder Woman could be setting up to be a favorite, with star Gal Gadot already earning good reviews for her turn as the character in Batman v. Superman. Aside from just Wonder Woman's future appearance in Justice League, Jenkins teases that there is quite a lot to look forward to out of the DCEU, with new characters and new behind-the-scenes talent bringing in a fresh take. "I think there's a lot of directors doing cool things," she said, citing Jason Momoa's Aquaman as a movie she is particularly excited to see because it has its "own separate vibe." "I know the storylines for a lot of the films they are working on and they are all vastly different, with very different tones and very different styles of storytelling," she added. "I'm excited to see each of these films."

Jenkins seems game to return for a second Wonder Woman film, and she also told the outlet that she would be down to direct another comic book movie in the future as well. While early reviews for Wonder Woman won't be out for a while, the first trailers and TV spots hint that it's going to be a delight, and Jenkins should definitely be welcome back into the DCEU (or even the MCU) in the future. Wonder Woman is due out on June 2; in the meantime, prepare for the film by reading up on the character's dark history.