The Character Everyone Forgets Brie Larson Played In Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

"Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" was released in 2010 and was based on Bryan Lee O'Malley's graphic novel series, "Scott Pilgrim." It followed the misadventures of the titular slacker, played by Michael Cera, as he was forced to battle the seven evil exes of his newest love interest, Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead). Among the actors playing Ramona's exes were Mae Whitman, Jason Schwartzman, Chris Evans, and Brandon Routh.

The film was well-received and has an 82% Tomatometer score on Rotten Tomatoes. Despite the high rating on the aggregator site, some reviewers still thought the film was so immature that "anyone over 25 is likely to find [the film] exhausting, like playing chaperone at a party full of oversexed college kids," as opined by Variety.

Routh and Evans stole the show in their scenes, but there's another superhero film star who was also in "Scott Pilgrim" that fans of the film often forget about. 

Brie Larson steals the show

Brie Larson played Natalie V. "Envy" Adams, who dated Scott before she broke up with him in college. She also went on to date her band's bassist, Todd Ingram (Routh), who was one of Ramona Flowers' aforementioned seven evil exes. During the film, she returns to menace Scott during his battle with Todd. Afterward, she appears to make her peace with him after he calls her by her real name. Before departing, he tells her more people should call her Natalie. 

As the singer of the fictional band The Clash at Demonhead, Envy sings a song called "Black Sheep." The song is about shape-shifting and outer space, which is quite ironic given that in "Captain Marvel," Larson's Carol Danvers battles the shapeshifting Skrulls in space. This film, along with a stage production of "Our Town" in that same year, helped increase Larson's profile as an up-and-coming actress. In an interview with The Guardian, Larson stated that the movie was "a big life-changer."

Without "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World," Larson may not have followed the same career trajectory, which could have altered her destiny with the MCU.