Samuel L. Jackson Isn't Sure Nick Fury Is In Avengers: Infinity War

Samuel L. Jackson may be walking back his comments on Nick Fury being in Avengers: Infinity War. The actor, who had previously told Fandango that he thought he was in the next two Avengers movies, told Collider that he still hasn't heard anything specific.

Fury was notably absent in Captain America: Civil War, with the character not even being mentioned as the mega-teams of superheroes faced off. Screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely told The Los Angeles Times that he was left out because it "felt like one too many opinions," but that they believed he would make a return in Infinity War. A cast list later revealed to Movie Casting Call included Jackson's Fury, reinforcing that the character would likely be making a reappearance.

However, in a recent interview promoting his movie Kong: Skull Island, Jackson said he has yet to get a call, despite filming already beginning for Infinity War. "I haven't heard that," he said, adding that he hasn't been given a shooting date. "I keep asking, 'Am I in Infinity War?'"

Jackson could just be playing coy; Marvel is definitely a studio known for keeping surprise superhero movie appearances tightly under wraps. However, with the ever increasing size of the MCU, it's also possible that there isn't space left for Nick Fury among all of the superheroes and villains currently being introduced.

Whether or not Jackson will make an appearance in Infinity War will be confirmed when the film is released on May 4, 2018. For now, check out every superhero who is confirmed to be making an appearance.