Marvel's Latest Instagram Post Has Oscar Isaac Fans Freaking Out

Back in October 2020, we got word from Variety that Oscar Isaac was in talks to enter the Marvel fray in "Moon Knight" at Disney+. By January 2021, we knew, thanks to an Instagram post from cinematographer Gregory Middleton, that Isaac was absolutely in the series and that he was almost certainly set for the title role. However, there was just one problem — at no point had Marvel actually acknowledged the casting. Much like Tatiana Maslany and She-Hulk, we all kind of knew — but didn't know through Marvel who had been cast as a lead. 

Maslany's confirmed casting by Marvel is ancient history by now, but today marked the first time that Marvel finally tweeted and posted to Instagram a picture of Oscar Isaac, surrounded by Moon Knight artwork with a comment from the actor himself — "WE ARE MOONKNIGHT." Moon Knight is an unusual character, even within the Marvel Universe. Marc Spector (his day-to-day identity) gained his powers from the Egyptian god Khonshu and is notable both for his past as a CIA agent, but more so because he has multiple personalities. Moon Knight is sort of a cross between Batman and Legion — and that makes him pretty distinct.

Unsurprisingly, fans of both Marvel and Isaac are already losing their collective minds.

Why fans think Isaac is owed the chance to scare as Moon Knight

If you scroll through the responses to Marvel's tweets, you'll see a lot of things, predominantly a lot of people writing variations on the phrase, "Let's go!" But there are a few other Moon Knight and Oscar Isaac-specific tweets that are worth a mention.

We can't link to it on account of the colorful language involved, but there's no shortage of people tweeting a popular edited image of Moon Knight demanding that Dracula pay back the money he owes. However, we will link to this tweet from @bostonBSPC of a conversation between Punisher and Moon Knight where they take turns mocking each other over being crazy and having a dead family respectively. That tweet includes the statement, "Make it happen," and we can't say we'd mind seeing Jon Bernthal reprise his role as Frank Castle just for this sequence.

Another common sentiment comes from a tweet by @TheaRubberBaron who wrote, "Oscar Isaac really deserves this considering how much the Star Wars writers screwed him over." There's an immediate response from @l4ismgl who tweeted, "for real though, him, John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, and all the actors in the sequel trilogy deserved better." Well, there's no reason they couldn't all show up at least for a cameo in "Moon Knight," we'd say.

And unrelated to Isaac but relevant to the show itself is a tweet from @lazesummerstone who remarked, "The fact that it's a show headed by the dudes who created 'The Endless' has me so curious!" Those creators are Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, whose film "The Endless" is an absolute mind-bending piece of apocalyptic horror. Between their ability to weave a truly scary story and Isaac's unnerving performances in films like "Ex Machina" and "Annihilation," there's no doubt "Moon Knight" is set to frighten us in ways perhaps no other Marvel property ever has before.

Moon Knight will stream on Disney+ in 2022.