The Hardest Part Of Filming Downton Abbey Will Surprise You
"Downton Abbey" has a legion of loyal followers that adore the show for its lush period setting and soapy drama. With six seasons and a movie already in the bank, the show long ago cemented itself as a cultural touchstone that gripped the world and left people glued to their PBS stations, attention rapt and sharp as a Violet Crawley quip.
Unsurprisingly, the show sparked a renaissance when it came to televised historical dramas — "Bridgerton" and other shows owe a debt for their existence to it. What is truly surprising to learn is just what the hardest part about filming the series is. One might assume that keeping background details organized and free of any signs of modern civilization would be an issue in of itself – no traffic markers, if you please, as "Bridgerton" fans identified, per E! Online. But the biggest issue lingers right under regular viewers' noses, or to be more accurate, eyeballs.
It's all about appearances
According to Screen Rant, the hardest part about filming "Downton Abbey" was clothing the show's male stars.
Making the gentlemen of the Abbey look period-accurate, according to an interview in Metro UK with Alastair Bruce, the show's hired historical advisor, was a big issue. Men of the time were not usually muscular — and the show's stars were rather buff, which had them bursting out of their stiff collars and waistcoats.
"I used to bemoan the fact that young male actors spend an enormous amount of time in the gymnasium getting their bodies to look buff for whoever it is they're trying to impress, because they simply didn't do that in the Downton days. Quite a lot of men in those houses were hiding their sexuality. They would not wish to be recognised (sic) for making extra effort," said Bruce to Metro UK.
"The clothing of that period was not designed to cope with large pectoral muscles and impressive shoulders," he continued, concluding "they don't look like the men of the time."
Sounds like quite the growing issue!