What Is The Song In The GEICO: Repair Shop Commercial?

In life, sometimes you get carried away by a great song or exciting moment. When those two elements are combined, you can find yourself lost in a daydream, imagining only the highest of expectations. Your endorphins are flowing, and you can't help but close your eyes and celebrate your success. Maybe, you'll even sing to the music. Whatever is happening, you are feeling good.

Until you realize you're standing in a waiting room singing to the receptionist. That's exactly what happened in the new GEICO commercial.

The commercial starts with a catchy tune and a woman riding down the open road on a motorcycle, enjoying life. The woman begins to sing the first line of the song's lyrics, only to realize she's still waiting in line at the repair shop, surrounded by confused employees. Their responses are what we can only dream of during this kind of scenario.

So what was the song playing in the commercial that had both the actress and viewers singing along?

GEICO goes old-school with Foundations classic

The song used in the new GEICO commercial is the 1968 classic "Build Me Up Buttercup" by The Foundations. This hit single was notably featured in the Ben Stiller and Cameron Diaz comedy There's Something About Mary in 1998. Los Angeles Angels fans will also recognize this as one of the songs from seventh-inning stretches during their home games.

After the woman realizes her embarrassing mistake in the commercial, the employees at the store make it all the better by finishing the lyrics for her. Before you know it, the entire store is singing and dancing to the song. The brightness and upbeat nature of the music are perfect for this scene, as everyone seems overjoyed by the song being played — as well as the deals they could potentially choose from.

So next time you find yourself accidentally singing in front of an entire store of employees, make sure to own it and hope everyone else joins in with you as they did in this GEICO ad.