First Poster For Loki Series Has Marvel Fans Flipping Out

WandaVision's first season is finished and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is set to debut on March 19, but that doesn't mean Disney or Marvel are satisfied to rest on their laurels — they want fans to be so beside themselves with excitement that they'll never be able to function again. So, what do you get for the Marvel fan who has everything? You get them the first poster for the forthcoming Loki Disney+ series, naturally. 

Posted to the Marvel Entertainment Twitter account, the new poster features the same cobbled-together font we've seen in previous promotions for the Loki series, but this time, we're getting a very exciting, high-quality look at Loki's latest style: Prison Loki. 

Not only is Loki in a brown and orange suit, which confirms he's either an inmate or a sanitation worker at some point in the upcoming series, but he's also wearing around his neck a collar with an explosive attached to it. It's almost like people don't trust Loki for some reason! Behind Loki is what looks like many extra hands on a wrist watch; that imagery links up with what we've heard — and think we've seen in the Loki trailer — about the God of Mischief's stories being told across various decades.

Then there's the less exciting but still important information: the release date. In late February 2021, Disney and Marvel announced that Loki will stream on Disney+ starting June 11, and the tweet that accompanies this newly released poster confirms that debut date still stands.

Surprising no one, the Loki fan thirst is intense

Though we don't actually know a whole heck of a lot about the Loki series yet, that hasn't stopped fans from reacting to the new poster with intense emotions. And with Loki smoldering so devilishly into the camera on that one-sheet, you know people online are going to be deep in their Tom Hiddleston feelings.

"Will he call anyone a mewling quim," asked one Twitter user. "That part always sent shivers down my wife's spine." We are confident there were many spouses of all genders and sexualities who felt a type of way when Loki talked about craving subjugation in The Avengers.

In their reaction to the poster, Twitter user @Tawanddaa drew an interesting comparison, writing, "He could play the Joker anytime." A cursory glance reveals that Hiddleston bears a small resemblance to Jared Leto's Joker — and if Loki can get away with saying "mewling quim" with a straight face, we imagine he can probably the same with "We live in a society," too.

Plus, let's not forget, despite all this Loki thirst from adults, this is still a Disney-backed series and accessible for all. As Twitterer @kbakker81 wrote, "Loki is my youngest's absolute favorite. He cannot wait for the mischief." Regardless of whatever we may or may not see in this series, the one Loki guarantee is that there will be mischief.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier airs on Disney+ beginning March 19, after which Black Widow will release in theaters on May 7 — and that will lead us to Loki premiering on June 11.