The Biggest Unanswered Questions In WandaVision

WandaVision has come to its explosive conclusion with, among other things, just about every fan theory in the world left without a home. The story of the bizarre lengths to which Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) goes to deal with her crushing grief over the loss of Vision (Paul Bettany) has come and gone without introducing the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, Mephisto, or even having Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange stopping by to say hi. For the time being  rather than the predictions of all the major storylines WandaVision would or could set up — WandaVision has proven to mostly be about WandaVision

But that doesn't mean the first of Marvel's Disney+ miniseries didn't leave us with some pretty big questions, or that the events of its story won't have consequences for the larger MCU. While the biggest mysteries have been solved, there was a lot left to speculation. Examples include the fates of certain characters, the motivation behind other heroes' actions, and how the experience has changed Wanda and her former synthezoid companion.

Not sure what we mean? Keep reading to learn the biggest unanswered questions we have about WandaVision.  

Who was Jimmy Woo looking for in the first place?

In "We Interrupt This Program," we find out exactly how Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) got involved in the Westview case. Returning to active duty in S.W.O.R.D., Rambeau is assigned as liaison to FBI Agent Jimmy Woo (Randall Park), who we first meet in 2018's Ant-Man & The Wasp. Rambeau meets Woo outside Westview, where he tells Rambeau that he's there looking for someone in witness protection. But we never get any indication whether Woo successfully locates the witness.

One theory some fans — like Men's Health's Evan Romano — are batting around is that Woo's witness is the same guy who's been masquerading as Wanda's brother. In the finale we learn that the false Pietro (Evan Peters) is named Ralph Bohner and that Agatha has been controlling him with some kind of mystical necklace. When Monica says his name out loud, Ralph laughs at the obvious joke. Most people don't laugh at their own names, but Ralph does come off as someone who — upon entering witness protection — might give himself a funny name on purpose. 

If this is the case, however, it's strange that Ralph seems to be an aspiring actor. You'll notice that Monica finds his name on the hard copy of a headshot. You wouldn't think someone in witness protection would want to get a job that would give him more public exposure. Then again, Ralph doesn't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed.

Where was the Sorcerer Supreme all this time, anyway?

Not only would it have been really cool to get a Doctor Strange cameo in WandaVision, it's genuinely a little puzzling what the narrative reasoning could be behind it not happening. 

For example, think about his appearance in 2017's Thor: Ragnarok. Thor and Loki are only in New York City a few minutes before Strange kidnaps Loki from a safe distance while leaving an invitation for Thor. When Thor accepts the invite to Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum, he learns Loki is on a watchlist Strange keeps of threats to Earth and that he's understandably concerned about his return.

So Doctor Strange knows within minutes not only that Loki is back on Earth, but knows where he is with such specificity that he can capture him with a spell that doesn't affect anyone else... but a woman who we eventually learn is a legend among practitioners of magic creates a mystical pocket reality in the middle of New Jersey, resurrects her dead lover, creates two twin sons from scratch, and takes an entire town hostage in the process, and Earth's Sorcerer Supreme doesn't even take a quick trip over to find out what's going on?

This may be addressed in the upcoming film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. One possible explanation is that — since WandaVision takes place not long after the events of 2019's Avengers: Endgame – Strange is too busy dealing with the fallout from that conflict to handle Westview or even be aware of it. 

Where did the white Vision go?

The penultimate WandaVision episode ends with the surprise reveal that S.W.O.R.D. has successfully reassembled the deactivated Vision's body (though he kind of looks like the White Walker version of the character). After a brief and scary reunion with Wanda, the white Vision spends most of the rest of the finale locked in battle with the magic Vision that Wanda created in Westview. The white Vision ultimately abandons his mission to kill Wanda and her Vision after the latter unlocks his memories. Though he doesn't change sides to help Wanda — he simply leaves the scene altogether.

So where does he go? And perhaps more importantly, what has the restoration of his memories affected? Do they restore his sense of humanity? You would think if that were the case that he would leap at the chance to help Wanda, but he doesn't. There's also the option of turning on his S.W.O.R.D. handlers for payback, but that doesn't happen either — at least not that we see.

Perhaps the best answer is that — overloaded with all this new "data" — the white Vision retreats somewhere to process his new existence. We certainly hope to see him again and learn what's become of him — and in March 2021 Paul Bettany told Esquire he's planning to return to the role – but for now he's just one of the biggest question marks WandaVision leaves behind.  

Why did Wanda separate Westview's families?

There are hints throughout WandaVision of Wanda having done something to the children of Westview, but we don't get a clearer picture of what's been going on until the series finale. When Agatha frees Dottie's (Emma Caulfield Ford) mind, we learn that her real name is Sarah and that for the whole time Wanda's controlled Westview, Sarah has been separated from her daughter. Presumably, the rest of Westview's families find themselves in similar situations. The question is, why would Wanda keep these families separated?

The most obvious answer is that the children are meant as hostages to keep Westview's populace dancing to Wanda's tune. But Wanda seems to have everybody firmly under her psychic control, so why would hostages even be necessary? Another possibility is that Wanda isn't willing to psychically violate children the same way she does their parents, so instead she separates them. 

It's also possible that this is another product of Wanda's trauma. Wanda's experienced a lot of loss — losing everyone in her biological family along with Vision — so maybe the separation of Westview's families is simply a reflection of how all of Wanda's loved ones have been taken from her. That may sound like a somewhat poetic reach, but remember that we're given the impression that initially Wanda's actions in Westview come from a very unconscious place, while keeping children from their parents as hostages seems like a very conscious and intentional act.

What was going on with that stork anyway?

When a stork shows up in "Now in Color," it seems to be the only thing in Westview that Wanda's powers can't control. After Monica arrives — still under Wanda's power at this point — Wanda tries multiple times to send the bird away. In most cases, the stork disappears for a moment or two, but it always comes back. The stork makes a very brief reappearance in episode 7 as Wanda's control over Westview begins to slip and the shapes of her illusions start changing all on their own.

So what was going on with that stork? Why was it there, and why didn't Wanda's powers have any lasting affect on it?

The best answer we can come up with is only a partial one — the stork is somehow connected to the arrival of the twins, Billy and Tommy. Not only does it show up on the episode in which the twins are born, but folklore tells us storks deliver human children to their parents. More importantly, Wanda's powers can't dismiss the bird just as her powers can't control the twins. Remember that early in episode 5, when Wanda decides to use her powers to force the twins to stop crying, she's confused to learn her powers won't work on them. 

Assuming we're right, that still doesn't explain the stork since it shows up before the twins. Was it an unconscious manifestation Wanda created, or is it possible it represents an unrevealed outside source?

Why doesn't Wanda apologize to the people of Westview?

One of the most interesting moments of the series finale comes when Wanda walks through Westview with the victims of her Hex glaring at her. She has a brief exchange with Monica, who tells her the citizens will never know what she sacrificed for their sake, and Wanda retorts that it wouldn't change what they think of her. Wanda tells Monica she's sorry for the pain she's caused; not long after, she makes her exit from the town. 

It's more than a little disturbing that Wanda doesn't bother to take any time to apologize to the people of Westview for what she's done. WandaVision doesn't tell us exactly how long Wanda's Hex has been up, but it's been at least a few weeks. So for all that time, Wanda has kept an entire town psychically and physically hostage. She has separated them from their lives and separated them from their children. She has violated them mentally and physically. And on her way out of town she apologizes... to Monica?

Clearly, Wanda didn't consciously intend to inflict pain on anyone else. But that doesn't make her any less responsible for what happened. She's right when she says nothing would change what they think of her, but so what? Acknowledging her crimes and apologizing for them is the absolute least she could do, and she neglects to do it. That's not a good sign.

What did Wanda do to Agatha?

On the surface, Agatha's fate seems pretty clear. At the end of "Breaking the Fourth Wall," we learn the woman we knew as Agnes isn't a Westview resident. Attracted by Wanda's magic, Agatha uses her own powers to inject herself into Wanda's illusions. After Agatha loses her battle against Wanda in the series finale, the Scarlet Witch doles out what seems like a fitting and poetic punishment — she transforms Agatha into the same nosy neighbor she's pretending to be since the beginning of WandaVision

But what has us scratching our heads is that shortly after transforming Agatha, Wanda undoes her reality-changing Hex. The illusory Westview of which Agatha pretended to be a citizen no longer exists, meaning that Agatha is now a sitcom character for a sitcom that doesn't exist. So where did she go?

The only answer we can come up with is that Agatha is now a citizen of the real Westview, and that answer is kind of, well, insane. Even if you forget the obvious ethical question of doing to Agatha what Wanda has done, what about the rest of Westview's citizens? Wanda has already put these people through an absolute horror show of trauma and violation. And now she's going to force upon them an everyday reminder of what they've been through in the form of a powerful and power-hungry sorceress as their neighbor? Stay classy, Wanda.

What happened to the beekeeper?

Toward the end of "Don't Touch That Dial," a man in a beekeeper's suit emerges from the sewers beneath Westview. The sight upsets Wanda, who works her magic to erase the moment and put her and Vision back in their house. Two episodes later in "We Interrupt This Program," we learn exactly who the beekeeper is. He's a S.W.O.R.D. agent, sent through the sewers to see if he could infiltrate the Hex without being transformed. (Obviously, it doesn't work.)

After we find out the identity of the man in the beekeeper's suit, we don't hear from him again. Presumably, he's released from his illusions like the rest of Westview's residents in the series finale, but we don't know for sure. There's no obvious reference to his fate in the series finale. It may be that the beekeeper was meant as a red herring in the first place and the show's creators didn't deem his fate worthy of inclusion in the finale, but that seems strange considering how ominous his introduction is in episode 2. The mystery has led some to even speculate that Wanda may have killed the S.W.O.R.D. agent, and considering everything else she's done in the series, it really isn't out of the realm of possibility.

Why did some people know about Westview while others didn't?

The minds of the people inside the Westview Hex aren't the only ones affected by Wanda's magic. When Monica first meets Jimmy Woo just outside the Westview town limits, Woo has the Eastview Sheriff (Brian Brightman) repeat what he told Woo before she arrived — that the town of Westview, New Jersey doesn't exist. 

As she sends her drone into the Hex, Monica wonders aloud about the nature of this memory loss, including asking why it affects the Eastview Sheriff and his deputy, but not Woo or her. She asks whether someone needs to have a personal connection to someone in the town to be affected, or if it has more to do with a specific radius around the town. But while we get Monica's questions, between this scene in 'We Interrupt This Program" and the finale, we never get an answer.

One conclusion you might understandably come to — considering "We Interrupt This Program" begins with Monica coming back to life during the events of Avengers: Endgame — is that somehow this selective amnesia doesn't affect people who were part of the Blip, but that doesn't add up. First of all, Randall Park has said (via ScreenRant) he never got a clear answer about whether or not his character was part of the Blip. Second, we know for sure Director Hayward isn't a part of the Blip, and he's the one who sends Monica to Westview in the first place. 

Are Billy and Tommy alive?

Toward the end of the finale we're left to assume Billy and Tommy disappeared along with the dream Vision when Wanda took down the Hex, but in a post-credits scene, we see Wanda poring over the Darkhold just before hearing the voices of her children calling out to her for help. Does this mean they could return? 

We know that in the comics the souls of Billy and Tommy are reincarnated in the forms of very real boys who in turn become the Young Avengers Wiccan and Speed. But before that, their souls are claimed by the devilish Mephisto, and this is one of the many reasons WandaVision fan theorists believed the villain might show up in the series. While that never happened, could it be that Mephisto now has the twins? Or — to give the situation much more potential for heartbreak — could it be that he doesn't have them, but is creating the illusion of keeping them hostage as bait for Wanda? 

Perhaps it isn't Mephisto who has the twins, but another powerful Marvel mystic entity. While it isn't confirmed, one of the more prominent rumors of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness – in which Wanda will appear — is that the villain will be Nightmare, who controls a realm of dark dreams. Considering the dreamworld Wanda creates in WandaVision, wouldn't it make sense that she'd attracted his attention?

Exactly who is Wanda now?

WandaVision leaves us wondering exactly who or what this new version of Wanda is, particularly in terms of whether or not we can still count her on the side of the angels. During their battle, Agatha tells Wanda that the Darkhold says the Scarlet Witch is destined to destroy the world. It could be she was lying, but once she reveals herself to Wanda, lying doesn't seem to be her style. Everything else she says to Wanda tends to be true, she just reveals it with as much venom as she can muster.

We know in the comics Wanda has gone down some very dark paths. In the line-wide event Avengers Disassembled, she causes the crisis leading to the deaths of three Avengers. In House of M she transforms the entire world, and at the end of the event she tries to completely strip all mutants of their powers, and succeeds in all but a small percentage. So, you know, being a bad guy isn't exactly alien territory for her.

And her actions at the end of WandaVision are ambiguous as far as this goes. She brings down the Hex, which is definitely a good thing. But she doesn't apologize to any of Westview's people, she doesn't turn herself in to the authorities, and she punishes Agatha in a way that — while fitting — is genuinely cruel. Who knows? When she shows up in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, maybe she won't be there to help the Sorcerer Supreme.