Shameless Fans Think This Was Fiona's Worst Boyfriend

Throughout her tumultuous nine seasons on Showtime's raunchy family dramedy Shameless, Fiona Gallagher (Emmy Rossum) was frequently wrung through the ringer trying to keep her grifting family together, while keeping her booze- and drug-loving father Frank (William H. Macy) in line and dealing with her own addiction issues. To make matters worse, Fiona's personal life was an absolute tire fire from episode 1 through her 2018 series departure.

Just for point of reference, most Shameless fans would likely argue Fiona's best partner was her on-again, off-again beau Jimmy a.k.a. Steve (Justin Chatwin), who turned out to be a scheming two-faced liar of the first order — even if he did genuinely love the woman. That's a pretty low bar, but in this case it's justified. As for Fiona's worst relationship, well, there's lots to choose from in her post-Jimmy world, though the likes of tender-hearted but seriously vindictive guitarist Gus Pfender (Steve Kazee), and junkie extraordinaire Sean Pierce (Dermot Mulroney) unquestionably lead the pack of the baddest beaus from Fiona's past. 

But according to Shameless fans, the series may have saved the worst of Fiona's boyfriends for last, as they've dedicated an entire Reddit thread to hating on her infamous season 9 lover, Ford Kellogg (Richard Flood). As a reminder, season 9 initially found Fiona on even ground running a successful real estate game, and even in a steady relationship with the even-tempered Ford. It also found her best-laid plans systematically and tragically undone. In the midst of that tumult, Fiona discovers Ford actually has a wife and child he'd been keeping from her, which sends her on a proper bender befitting the Gallagher name. 

Seems Shameless fans have a lot of hate for Mr. Ford Kellogg

In Ford's defense, he did try to explain to Fiona that he and his wife were separated, and he occasionally stayed with her for his child's sake. That didn't stop Fiona from fleeing the scene and crashing her shiny new car. Nor did it stop her family from exacting a particularly embarrassing revenge on the carpenter. And you'd better believe it hasn't stopped fans from mercilessly roasting the man via a Reddit thread full of the sort of "colorful" language you might expect from Fiona-loving Shameless factions.

That thread is actually entitled "The worst of all fionas boyfriends," and yes, Ford is the official punching-bag of the sub. User writersbloc_86 kicked things off with a scathing post on the character's less-than-enthralling personality, "It's kind of fascinating how a man who is objectively good looking and has an Irish accent holds absolutely no appeal whatsoever. It takes some skill to be that dull." 

Others quickly backed that opinion with 1234jax1235 posting, "He was boring and an a*****e," and mrmoviemaniac quipping bluntly "I found him to be so boring." 

User BobbyCodone303 was far more candid with their Ford hate posting, "ford was a f***** d*******g behind all that knowledge, class, and culture..."

u/canadianclubcanuck1 took things a step further noting that, "Watching paint dry would have been more interesting" than watching him woo Fiona. 

Meanwhile, Primary_Speed_3496 went on to note they didn't like the way he treated Fiona even before the truth was out, "He's just so dull and how he treated her before she found out he was married just never sat right with me."

All in all, there's clearly no love lost between Ford Kellogg and Shameless fandom, so it's probably a good thing that his relationship with Fiona flamed out when it did.