Larry Harvey From American Horror Story Is Unrecognizable In Real Life

So far, American Horror Story has given its fans nine seasons, each loaded with excellent storylines, recurring characters, and, let's be honest, terrifying intros. But it's no secret that the first season, Murder House, is a top runner for being the best of the bunch. The story follows the broken Harmon family and the aftermath of loss and infidelity. Their new house has a lot of baggage, but one of the stand-out characters in the season is Larry Harvey, played by Denis O'Hare. O'Hare would go on to play other pivotal characters in Coven, Freak Show, Hotel, and Roanoke.

Fans know that when it comes to special effects and makeup, American Horror Story has it down to a tee. Even though Larry *spoiler warning* isn't trapped in the house, he was once an owner and went on to commit horrific crimes, such as being responsible for Beauregard Langdon's (Sam Kinsey) death. This prompts Tate Langdon (Evan Peters) to douse Harvey in lighter fluid and set him alight. But underneath it all, it would be hard for the most dedicated fans to recognize O'Hare in real life because of his transformation on-screen, which was both believable and shocking.

Larry Harvey's devious deeds

It's obvious that Harvey is a confused man and very influenced by Constance Langdon (Jessica Lange). O'Hare says so himself in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter: "It's almost as if Larry has been reduced to Constance's henchman. Once he's come under her power and once she favors him with a little bit of attention, she's got him and now he will do her bidding." At her disposal, he threw out his family for her to move into the Murder House, which resulted in his wife locking herself in her daughters' bedroom and lighting it on fire. As he becomes increasingly unstable throughout the season, it all circles back to Constance and gaining her affection. Even when he heckles Ben Langdon (Dylan McDermott) and his family, he can't completely come to terms with his backstory, and as a result, he doesn't ever tell the whole truth of what he did to get those third-degree burns.

Underneath it all, Harvey wants to take responsibility for heckling the Harmons, murdering Ben's ex-lover Hayden McClaine (Kate Mara) and playing out other despicable crimes all for Constance's love. He's still a knucklehead in the end, but there's a different light set on him that the viewers might recognize as pity.