WandaVision Episode 7 Ending Explained

Contains major spoilers for WandaVision

The sixth episode of WandaVision, "All New Halloween Spooktacular!", was certainly a turning point for the series. Not only does Wanda's (Elizabeth Olsen) Hex grow in size and strength, but Vision (Paul Bettany) also discovers what's happening outside of Westview, New Jersey. In addition, Dr. Darcy Lewis (Kat Dennings) winds up in the pocket reality's field of influence, and the likes of Captain Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris), S.W.O.R.D. Director Hayward (Josh Stamberg), and Agent Jimmy Woo (Randall Park) barely escape from its expansion. Even with all of that, WandaVision episode 7 somehow manages to be even more chaotic than what's come before.

Moving into the 21st century, "Breaking the Fourth Wall" puts a Modern Family- and The Office-inspired spin on WandaVision — complete with candid interviews with the "cast." The contents of the story weren't anything like their real-world equivalent, though, packed with rising tensions, super-powered conflicts, shocking revelations, and, as per usual, a host of new questions for viewers to ponder as well the answers they have craved for weeks on end. 

Here's how far we are down the WandaVision rabbit hole by the end of its seventh episode, and where it could lead us from here.

Wanda's breakdown

From the very beginning of WandaVision episode 7, there's a certain uneasiness in the air. After last week's boundary-pushing affair, it's expected that Wanda isn't in any mood to play around, and she makes that abundantly clear in no time. Wanda elects to engage in a "quarantine-style staycation," somehow continually ignoring that certain pieces of furniture in her home are shifting from era to era. Also, Wanda's telepathic son Billy (Julian Hilliard) is having problems with his mind — he says it's "really noisy" in there — but she writes him off and leaves her boys with Agnes (Katherine Hahn) for the day, and doesn't seem bothered that her husband Vision is still missing.

There's a lot to make of Wanda's subdued mental break in this episode, especially in relation to her unruly surroundings. Now that the borders of her spell have expanded even further and been strengthened so no one can enter, she's pushed her reality-warping abilities harder than ever before. One would imagine that this test of her mental limits is exhausting, and is likely causing her world to shift and change outside of her control. Not only that, but Wanda seems highly uninterested in maintaining her perfect illusion, going as far to admit to her sons that their "Uncle Pietro" (Evan Peters) wasn't actually related to them and pawning them off onto her neighbor just to get herself back in-check. 

Considering she's controlling people's minds, if Wanda can't get her abilities under control soon, the consequences could prove catastrophic.

What is Project Cataract?

Shifting back outside the Hex, we receive an update on S.W.O.R.D.'s efforts to break in — and they're not planning to politely knock on the front door. Director Hayward isn't even considering reasoning with Wanda and is prepared to unleash a full arsenal to annihilate her illusion if he must — much to the dismay of Agent Woo and Captain Rambeau. Thanks to Darcy Lewis' hacking skills, they're able to access Hayward's classified information about his true intentions for Westview, why he's so gung-ho to obliterate it, and what he hopes to gain from doing so.

Mentioned fleetingly last week, Hayward's plan is known as Project Cataract, and Vision is firmly at the center of it. As we know, after Thanos (Josh Brolin) killed Vision in Avengers: Infinity War, S.W.O.R.D. recovered Vision's corpse and began studying it for mysterious purposes. Apparently, Hayward wanted to bring Vision back to life, likely as some kind of weapon for the organization's use. He didn't think it was possible until Wanda made it happen, which explains why the shifty bureaucrat was so dead-set on keeping an eye on the reanimated synthezoid. 

What other details may hide underneath the surface of Project Cataract remain to be seen, but it's a given the next two WandaVision episodes will provide some clarification.

Vision and Darcy's not-so-long road trip

After being immersed in Wanda's Hex in the closing moments of episode 6, Darcy Lewis is now firmly within its grasp in episode 7. Taking on the occupation of an escape artist with the local circus, she has no idea who she, Vision, Wanda, or anyone is — or that she's under someone else's influence. Thankfully, the Vision awakens Darcy from the trance, allowing her to see what's really going on. The duo hijack the circus's funnel cake truck and hit the road, finally giving Vision a chance to figure out what's actually happening. 

Over the course of their brief yet insightful road trip, Darcy lays everything out for Vision. She explains his origins as Ultron's (James Spader) tool for world domination and details his death(s) to him in explicit detail, filling the gaps in his memory. Floored and to some extent upset, Vision plans to go home ASAP, but he and Darcy encounter roadblock after roadblock — which he suspects is Wanda' efforts to slow him down. In the end, he comes to the realization that maintaining this sitcom-esque pretext is irrelevant, and he simply flies away, leaving Darcy to drive the rest of the way back to the house.

Nexus, the "unique antidepressant"

Following in the footsteps of the incredibly clever HYDRA Soak and the rather unsettling Yo-Magic commercials, this week's WandaVision episode didn't shy away from a fictional advertisement. This time around, an antidepressant called Nexus took center stage, riffing on those overly long commercials for medications that have appeared on television screens everywhere. In proper parody fashion, we see generic footage of a woman visually chronicling how much Nexus changed her life.

Unlike previous WandaVision commercials, though, this one doesn't beat around the bush with its messaging. It clearly represents Wanda's ongoing mental struggles and how she chose to try to overcome them with her Hex around Westview. Nexus is described as "a unique antidepressant that works to anchor you back to your reality, or the reality of your choice," which is an overt reference to how Wanda's community acts as her safe place, molding it as she sees fit to help cope with her endless trauma. 

The side effects of Nexus include "feeling your feelings, confronting your truth, seizing your destiny, and, possibly, more depression." It's also accompanied by a disclaimer that warns, "You should not take Nexus unless your doctor has cleared you to move on with your life." These are all things that Wanda has dealt with and continues to deal with both before and during her time in Westview. 

The commercial's closing lines are especially on-the-nose: "Nexus, because the world doesn't revolve around you. Or does it?" This is a not-so-subtle nod to the fact that Wanda is in full control of her town, and that world does, in fact, revolve around her.

Of course, the name "Nexus" holds special meaning for longtime Marvel Comics readers. The Nexus of all Realities is where all the various alternate dimensions of the Marvel Universe intersect. And given what we've seen on the show so far — the comic-book accurate Halloween costumes for Wanda's family, the arrival of a Pietro from Fox's neighboring Marvel Cinematic reality — it's entirely possible that "Nexus" is more than just a wink and a nod to something in the comics. Perhaps we'll see more of the Nexus as we explore the secrets of Agnes's basement...more on that in a bit.

Monica's powers awaken

Spearheading an operation of her own to help Wanda evade Director Hayward's wrath, Captain Monica Rambeau prepares to reenter the Hex by any means necessary. She and Agent Woo meet up with her contact, Major Goodner (Rachael Thompson), who provides her with a military-grade vehicle to infiltrate the Hex unharmed. The problem, however, is that the barrier has become too strong for the vehicle to just slip right in, leading Monica to abandon her ride and force her own body through. In doing so — just as Darcy Lewis warned in prior episodes — the barrier has altered Monica's physiology. Of course, the effects seem pretty positive by MCU standards: she comes out the other side with glowing eyes, a resistance to the Hex's effects, and some as-yet undefined superpowers.

To longtime Marvel Comics readers, this is a clear sign that Monica is on the fast track to super-heroism. On the page, Monica has gone by the names Photon, Spectrum, Pulsar, and more, utilizing energy-based abilities to fight for good. This is teased during her standoff with Wanda inside of the Hex. Holding Monica up with her powers, Wanda throws her to the ground, and Monica uses her newfound powers to stick the landing with a brief blue glow. Before their confrontation can continue, though, Agnes swings by and escorts Wanda away to the, uh, "safety" of her house.

In the post-credits scene of "Breaking the Fourth Wall," the imposter Quicksilver confronts Monica for snooping around Agnes' home. This may seem like a bad omen for the next episode, but rest assured, she's just getting started — and she's seemingly primed to become a major player in the Marvel Cinematic Universe going forward.

It was Agatha Harkness all along

The closing moments of "Breaking the Fourth Wall" finally reveal what many fans have theorized for a while: that Agnes was the one pulling the strings all along. In fact, her name isn't even Agnes — she's actually a witch named Agatha Harkness, who has influenced Westview and its residents from the moment she arrived. After Wanda enters her neighbor's basement in search of her sons, seeing all of her magical paraphernalia in the process, we're greeted to an Addams Family-style montage detailing Agatha's evil ways. From bringing the fake Pietro to Westview, to killing Sparky the dog, Agatha has done it all, proving a ton of fan theories about her true identity correct.

Agnes — or Agatha — is the only Westview resident who's appeared in every WandaVision episode so far, but she didn't draw too much attention to herself early on, presenting herself as just a chatty friend and nosy neighbor. Of course, ever-inquisitive MCU fans were quick to point out that she might be up to something behind the scenes. Many subscribed to the notion that Agatha Harkness was Agnes' true identity, looking back at the character's history in the Marvel comics — from her tenure as a Fantastic Four villain to her time as Wanda's mentor — for evidence to back up their theories. WandaVision has so far offered nothing by way of backstory for the character in this continuity, but it's a safe bet that she'll be a focal point in the near future. Let's not forget that in the comics, Agatha ends up zapping away some of Wanda's memory in a bid to help her move on from the trauma of learning that Billy and Tommy aren't completely real. Could something similar happen in WandaVision, where Agatha is the key to a reset of everything if Wanda is unable or unwilling to let Westview go?

With just two chapters of WandaVision yet to come, we can only hope that all of our questions will be answered in short order. However, in the meantime, the internet will have plenty to speculate about until next Friday.