Kevin Costner Gives A Hilarious Answer When Asked About Zack Snyder's Justice League

Zack Snyder's Justice League is just over the horizon. The new cut of the 2017 Justice League film is set to premiere in September 2021 on HBO Max, and it'll contain the same stars and surely many of the same plot elements from the theatrical version, but put together in the way Snyder originally intended for the film. The teaser trailer released in August 2020 shows Henry Cavill doing his Superman stuff, Ben Affleck putting on the Dark Knight's cowl, the swoon-worthy Jason Momoa as Aquaman, and the badass Gal Gadot in her Wonder Woman armor, among others. Given the reshoots involved, however, one has to wonder whether the Snyder Cut will feature characters that we didn't see in the previous release. That brings us to Kevin Costner.

Though you may have forgotten, Kevin Costner is a member of the DC Extended Universe thanks to his turn as Superman's father, Jonathan Kent. He was present in both Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, trying to usher his son along the right moral path, but he didn't show up in Justice League. With Zack Snyder's Justice League in post-production, the answer to whether Pa Kent might show up will soon be widely known. If you don't want to wait that long, however, Costner provided a hilarious response when asked about it by Andy Cohen. 

Kevin Costner: What's a Justice League?

Both Kevin Costner and Daine Lane, who plays Martha Kent in the DCEU, were interviewed by Andy Cohen on Radio Andy in October. The point of the interview seems to be Cohen trying to weasel details about Zack Snyder's Justice League out of the Man of Steel actors, but they weren't exactly playing ball. In fact, Costner might not even know what he's talking about.

When asked if we'll be seeing Costner and Lane reprise their roles in the upcoming production, Costner responds, "I'm not even sure what 'Justice League' is. Is that a movie?" It was definitely a laughable moment, if not a questionable one. With Costner being such a seasoned actor, it's honestly difficult to tell if he's joking around or if he's stark serious, but Cohen laughs anyway.

"You think I'm kidding. That's the problem," Costner says right as Cohen begins to speak again. "Is that a Marvel thing?" Cohen feigns ignorance as well, leaving Lane to correct the pair.

"Well, I have bad news," Cohen says to Costner. "Um, Diane seems to know about it and you don't. So, I mean, I don't know if this bodes well for Clark Kent's dad, but he may just have a mom. Who knows?"

Through the whole interview, Costner keeps a seemingly innocent smile on his face, and you're sure to laugh at his possibly false, possibly sincere ignorance about the DC universe and the "Snyder Cut." Either way, he wasn't giving anything up during the interview.