Marvel Fans Finally Get The WandaVision News They've Been Waiting For

In yet more evidence that 2020 exists in some dark, smoke-filled mirror dimension, it has now been over a year since we last saw a fresh addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe — a gap that the monolithic franchise hasn't seen in a decade. Fans of the shared universe have been chomping at the bit for more since Spider-Man: Far from Home left them with a post-blip world still reeling in weirdness and a severe case of alien shapeshifter shenanigans best described as "Skrullduggery." With nearly every corner of the film and theater industry shut down, millions of faithful fans who'd grown accustomed to two or three big-screen extravaganzas a year were suddenly left out in the cold. 

And then, like a ray of glorious sunshine, fans received the news they'd all been waiting for: WandaVision, the highly anticipated Disney+ addition to the MCU, is coming later this year, despite rumors that its release had been pushed to 2021.

The news came on September 16 via a Disney+ announcement regarding the streaming service's upcoming slate, with the surprise WandaVision reveal nestled between the acquisition of X2: X-Men United and the debut of a forthcoming remake of Black Beauty.

WandaVision is coming soon and getting weird

The show is one in a series of upcoming Disney+ offerings from the newly reworked television branch of Marvel Studios, with other additions like The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Loki, and Hawkeye following, theoretically, close behind. WandaVision, which reunites Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch with Vision/erstwhile J.A.R.V.I.S. Paul Bettany, promises to be the most peculiar and maybe the darkest of the MCU bunch. Described on the show's Disney+ landing page as the story of "two super-powered beings living their ideal suburban lives begin to suspect that everything is not as it seems," its exact plot has yet to be revealed. Fans believe that the series might revolve around Wanda Maximoff's comic book propensity for scrambling reality any time that she loses someone important to her.

A firm release date is still up in the air, but knowing that WandaVision will hit TV screens within the next few months at least gives us something funky and new to look forward to.