BoJack Horseman Final Season 6 Trailer Just Might Tease A Happy Ending

The last trailer we'll ever get for a new batch of BoJack Horseman episodes has arrived — and while the finality of it all is bound to be depressing for fans, the spot finds BoJack himself on a surprising upswing.

Yes, despite the fact that he can be unbelievably self-centered, has been known to ingest enough drugs and alcohol to kill a large animal of some kind, and can't seem to keep from hurting nearly everyone he comes into contact with, BoJack (Will Arnett) is still everybody's favorite former '90s sitcom star who also happens to be an anthropomorphic horse. Perhaps it's because, no matter how dark things get — and they have gotten pretty damn dark over BoJack Horseman's stellar six-season run — we've always sensed that somewhere, buried deep down underneath BoJack's crass, sarcastic, at times straight-up venomous exterior, there's a better horse struggling mightily to come to the surface.

If the trailer for the back half of season six (which consists of eight episodes) is any indication, that struggle might finally come to an end, as BoJack seems to be coming to terms with his past. It also looks like his friends and associates Mr. Peanutbutter (Paul F. Tompkins), Princess Carolyn (Amy Sedaris), and Todd Chavez (Aaron Paul) may be headed toward thoughtful conclusions to their own stories — although, notably, Diane Nguyen (Alison Brie) is very nearly absent from the new spot.

Let's dig in to the final (sniff) trailer for BoJack Horseman season 6.

Will BoJack Horseman actually get a happy ending in season 6?

Like the trailer for the sixth season's first half, the new spot relies heavily on BoJack's narration. It opens with a quick montage of BoJack getting ready to report for his new gig as a professor at Wesleyan University, as his voiceover intones, "I've made a lot of mistakes. But, I look back at that other BoJack, and I think... who is that?"

As we see the new, sweater-vested, grey-haired BoJack revisiting some of his old haunts from his pre-stardom days, his narration continues, "I've had a lot of what I thought were rock bottoms, only to discover another, rockier bottom underneath." We then check in with some of BoJack's friends: Mr. Peanutbutter on the set of a war movie (which also apparently features BoJack as a random corpse), Todd with his new rabbit girlfriend Maude, Diane looking... not terribly well, and Princess Carolyn with her new baby and faithful assistant Judah.

"I used to feel like my whole life was an acting job," BoJack's narration continues. "Doing an impression of the people I saw on television, which was just a projection of a bunch of equally screwed-up writers and actors. I felt like a Xerox of a Xerox of a person." We then see that BoJack is talking with a mouse who appears to be his therapist; she asks, "But not anymore?" BoJack, perhaps predictably, doesn't quite have an answer.

The spot then gives us a montage (including, briefly, what appears to be a rather harrowing dream sequence) before closing on a classic gag: BoJack is attempting to erase the words "Professor Horseman" from a dry erase board, to no avail. Taking a closer look at the marker in his hand, he deadpans, "Aaaaand that's a Sharpie."

BoJack Horseman season 6 promises to be as hilarious as ever

Accompanying that gag are several brief shots which promise that, for all the heartstrings it will inevitably tug, the final episodes of BoJack Horseman are going to feature as high a volume of amazingly random jokes as we've come to expect. This is announced from the trailer's opening shot, which shows a sign featuring Wesleyan's motto: "MacArthur fellows to the left of me, Nobel Laureates to the right, here I am, stuck in the Middletown with you." (Middletown being the Connecticut burg where Wesleyan is located, of course.)

We also see a letter BoJack has received from his half-sister Hollyhock, whose name is rendered in the return address as "Hollyhock M-M-G-R-Z-H-F-M." Fans, of course, will doubtless remember that Hollyhock was adopted by eight men in a polyamorous relationship, and her full name is "Hollyhock Manheim-Mannheim-Guerrero-Robinson-Zilberschlag-Hsung-Fonzerelli-McQuack."

We also, ever so briefly, see the return of character actress Margo Martindale (holding a knife to Todd's neck, for what must be a completely insane reason), Todd bonding with Princess Carolyn's adopted porcupine baby Ruthie while handling her with extreme caution (baseball gloves on both hands), and a couple more of BoJack's signature blink-and-you'll-miss-it signage gags. (On a sign as Princess Carolyn walks into a club: "Good Band, Almost as Good Band, Obscure But Brilliant Band, Friday June 21st.")

As much as we can't wait to see how BoJack Horseman ends, we (like you) simply don't want it to. These last eight episodes will bring to a close the finest animated series ever produced, and one of the best shows of the last decade, period. We have no doubt that it will have us laughing, crying, and applauding to the very end.

BoJack Horseman streams its final episodes on Netflix on Friday, January 31.