Samuel L. Jackson Addresses Martin Scorsese's Marvel Criticisms

Samuel L. Jackson is "laying his vengeance" upon a certain filmmaking legend after some pointed comments about Marvel movies.

In response to Martin Scorsese's dismissive remarks about the quality of Marvel films, Jackson, known for his bombastic attitude and often profane language, kept a cool head. The Nick Fury actor told Variety, "I mean that's like saying Bugs Bunny ain't funny. Films are films. Everybody doesn't like his stuff either [...] everybody's got an opinion, so I mean it's okay. Ain't going to stop nobody from making movies."

So what exactly did Scorsese say about Marvel movies that required a response from Jackson? In an interview with Empire magazine, Scorsese, whose highly anticipated film The Irishman will hit theaters on November 1, said he's not a fan of Marvel's cinematic efforts. When asked if he'd seen any of Marvel's major movies, Scorsese said, "I tried, you know? But that's not cinema."

The venerated director qualified his comments, explaining, "Honestly, the closest I can think of them, as well made as they are, with actors doing the best they can under the circumstances, is theme parks. It isn't the cinema of human beings trying to convey emotional, psychological experiences to another human being."

Marvel vs. Marty

Scorsese faced plenty of backlash from Marvel directors — including Joss Whedon and James Gunn, who took to Twitter to express their dissatisfaction with the revered filmmaker. 

Whedon, who directed the first two Avengers films, came to the defense of other MCU directors. "I first think of @JamesGunn, how his heart & guts are packed into GOTG. I revere Marty, & I do see his point, but... Well there's a reason why 'I'm always angry,'" he tweeted, referring to Bruce Banner's infamous line from the first Avengers movie.

For his part, Gunn wrote, "Martin Scorsese is one of my 5 favorite living filmmakers. I was outraged when people picketed The Last Temptation of Christ without having seen the film. I'm saddened that he's now judging my films in the same way." However, Gunn faced his own backlash for bringing religion into the situation, and he quickly clarified what he meant by his initial tweet: "Religious zealotry is the same as not liking my movies, or in the same category. What I'm saying is I'm not fond of people judging things without actually seeing them, whether it's a movie about Jesus or a genre."

Scorsese might be one of the most beloved filmmakers in history, but he certainly ruffled some feathers with his comments, which make it clear that he doesn't think comic book movies qualify as "serious" or "real" films. Certainly, Scorsese's own The Irishman is more likely to score awards season attention than Avengers: Endgame when push comes to shove, but comic book movies like Endgame are filled with heart and real emotional heft alongside their action set-pieces and humor, providing joy and comfort to millions of moviegoers across the world. 

While Marty might not love Marvel, audiences have proven their love for the cinematic universe, and in the end, giving fans the incredible opportunity to escape their troubles and enjoy a different world for a couple of hours is all that should really matter to the minds behind Marvel.