What Rotten Tomatoes Reviews Are Saying About Spider-Man: Far From Home

Spider-Man: Far From Home hasn't yet swung onto theater screens for the general public's viewing pleasure, but the long-awaited Spidey sequel finally premiered in Hollywood for industry bigwigs and members of the press on June 26. The following day, Marvel officially lifted the embargo for Far From Home reviews, and critics wasted no time racing to their keyboards to type out their thoughts. 

So, just how good is Spider-Man: Far From Home? Is it a satisfying conclusion to Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Are critics loving or hating Tom Holland's second solo outing as the friendly neighborhood superhero? Let's take a look at what the Rotten Tomatoes reviews are saying about Spider-Man: Far From Home. (Don't worry, we're keeping things spoiler-free.)

Since more reviews are bound to come barreling in over the next day or so, Far From Home's Rotten Tomatoes score will undoubtedly fluctuate. As of Thursday, June 27 at noon ET, the film shines bright with a 92 percent approval rating. That's more than high enough to land a "Certified Fresh" distinction from the review aggregator. 

On the whole, critics are gushing about Spider-Man: Far From Home for many different reasons — mostly for its "breezily unpredictable blend of teen romance and superhero action" as the film follows Peter Parker and his classmates on a summer vacation to Europe. Reviewers also love that Far From Home "stylishly sets the stage for the next era of the MCU" by introducing characters like Jake Gyllenhaal's Mysterio

Danielle Solzman of Solzy at the Movies gave Spider-Man: Far From Home 4.5 stars out of 5, writing that it "deals with the Avengers: Endgame fallout in a way that only this film can" and is "able to close the chapter on one book while laying the foundation for another."

GamesRadar+ critic Jordan Farley called Far From Home "another home run for the MCU that puts Pete's responsibilities in a post-Iron Man world front and centre during a rib-tickling summer romance." He also urged viewers to stick around for the post-credits scenes: "Whatever you do, don't skip the credits." 

Writing for Mashable, Alexis Nedd noted that the Spider-Man sequel wonderfully follows up Avengers: Endgame, and paves the way for Holland's Peter Parker to play an even bigger role in the MCU as Phase 4 begins. 

"Far From Home doesn't waste an iota of the good will Marvel has earned in its previous offerings — every cheeky nod towards Peter's future in the MCU feels genuine ... Even though the next phase is still shrouded in mystery, Spider-Man: Far From Home does a fantastic job of latching the door that Endgame closed, while opening a whole new universe of possibilities for Marvel," she wrote, also teasing that Far From Home's post-credits scenes are "some of the most gratifying since The Avengers."

The Wrap's Alonso Duralde noted that Spider-Man: Far From Home is "an entertaining example of what we used to call 'a summer movie'" thanks to its playful romances between Peter Parker and MJ (Zendaya) as well as Aunt May (Marisa Tomei) and Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau), its "stakes that are about personal growth rather than intergalactic Armageddon, and some satisfying hero-on-villain throwdowns." 

David Crow at Den of Geek brought up Sam Raimi's original Spider-Man trilogy in his review of Far From Home, writing that the flick is "accepting of Raimi's legacy and incorporates some of that high-flying iconography instead of running from it." He also gave kudos to Gyllenhaal, whom he felt played Mysterio with "wide-eyed intensity" as well as remarkable "enthusiasm and guile."

Over at Forbes, Scott Mendelson wrote that Spider-Man: Far From Home is a "robust improvement" on Homecoming

"At the very least, the film presents a Peter Parker who is relatively good at his job and doesn't consistently screw up to the point where you wish he'd hang up the costume before he kills someone," he stated. "That was my biggest gripe with Homecoming, as the film's 'Peter has to learn to be a hero worthy of the Avengers' shtick turned him into an MCU variation on Curious George. With even more high school antics than last time, and a firmly competent superhero taking center stage, Far From Home offers more of what worked last time and less of what didn't."

Not everyone felt the same way, though, as a common criticism of Far From Home is that it isn't as sleek as Homecoming, despite being incredibly entertaining in its own right. 

USA Today's Brian Truitt was one such critic: "Director Jon Watts' sequel isn't as tightly focused or effortlessly charming as 2017's Homecoming, yet it continues Holland's amazing Spidey run and introduces Jake Gyllenhaal in his top-notch first comic-book role ... Far From Home has a lot more boxes to check than Homecoming in terms of storytelling, and while it's always enjoyable, the film feels unfocused in parts. Everything changes when a major turn happens — of the story-exploding, can't-talk-about-it-at-all variety — and the last half takes on a very meta vibe with some of the craziest visuals Marvel has unleashed in a while and a stellar understanding of what Gyllenhaal can do so well on screen."

As is to be expected, Spider-Man: Far From Home has pulled in some sour reviews to go alongside its stellar ones. Todd McCarthy at The Hollywood Reporter called the film "bumpy," with "hokey and ill-judged" special effects, "ill-motivated and less-than-awesome action set-pieces," and a villain that just isn't compelling enough. The New York Post's Johnny Oleksinski said that Far From Home's "action, villainy, twists and overall logic fall short of its awesome predecessor," while Pamella Powell of Reel Honest Reviews kept things simple when she called the sequel "just another formulaic super hero film."

Negative response to Spider-Man: Far From Home has been minimal, and the general consensus is that the flick is impressively charming, "incredibly fun, frequently funny," and totally rad. 

Judge for yourselves when Spider-Man: Far From Home hits theaters on July 2.