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Is Madame Web A Hero Or A Villain?

As entertaining as they may be, Sony's universe of Marvel movies has always been a bit chaotic. Adapting a collection of Spider-Man villains with no Peter Parker in sight feels strange, and it doesn't seem as though anyone is really advocating for the dumbest addition to the Spider-Verse, "Morbius." Featuring Spider-Women in "Madame Web" is certainly a step up, but also invites questions about the film's title character.

Typically seen as an older woman in the comics, Dakota Johnson's portrayal of Cassandra Webb has a slight twist. After an accident, Cassandra gains the ability to see the future and uses it to stop horrifying events a la "Final Destination." This ability is similar to the source material, but Madame Web is slightly more mysterious in the comics. When Peter first hears of her, he thinks she is a fake psychic only looking for a payday. However, when he enlists her help as the neighborhood-friendly Spider-Man, he learns her precognitive abilities are all too real. Comic Cassandra is a force for good, and that is how she remains to this day.

Madame Web is connected to Spider-Man

Born blind with a neurological condition in the comics, Cassandra Webb is blessed with clairvoyant abilities. While confined to a chair due to paralysis, she takes on the moniker of Madame Web and becomes known as a medium. The mutant's reputation for being morally grey most likely stems from Peter's perception of her. Spider-Man is famous for being arguably the best superhero. With great power comes great responsibility, as they say. Madame Web selling her abilities isn't likely to win any points with him. But after she helps Peter locate the perpetrators of a Daily Globe scam, he understands her better. Through her powers, she learns his real identity and keeps it a secret. After the incident, she becomes a welcome ally in the Spider-Verse.

The "Madame Web" trailer indicates this is the version of Cassandra the film is portraying. Though Dakota Johnson's iteration isn't elderly or has a life support system like her comic counterpart, the character's heart is still there. Cassandra uses her psychic abilities to help the Spider-Women become who they are meant to be. And this could only be the beginning of Madame Web's story. There is always time for Johnson's character to reach her comic destiny. The film could be an origin story for Cassandra, whose role is to pass the torch to the future Spider-Women.