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Ahsoka Episode 4's Biggest Problem Could Be Solved By ... Indiana Jones?

Ahsoka (Rosario Dawson) is in some trouble following Episode 4, "Part Four: Fallen Jedi." With Morgan Elsbeth (Diana Lee Inosanto) taking Sabine (Natasha Liu Bordizzo) to another galaxy and Baylan Skoll (Ray Stevenson) destroying the map so no one can follow them, the titular Jedi may have only one option remaining: turn to ... Indiana Jones? 

It may seem ridiculous, but stay with us. In order to stop Elsbeth from getting the coordinates to Thrawn (Lars Mikkelsen) in Episode 4, Ahsoka grabs the map from the pedestal, interrupting the process at the cost of severely burning her hand. But while things only get worse from there, what if Ahsoka has unknowingly taken the exact thing needed to lead her back to Sabine and the Eye of Sion? The map burned into her hand; we see the burn marks, which look more detailed than your average injury, and given that Skoll destroyed the map, it could be Ahsoka's only hope while also calling back to another George Lucas property, "Indiana Jones."

This theory was sparked on Reddit by u/mwthecool, who states, "Ahsoka's hand burning as she touched the map feels like a direct reference to 'Raiders of the Lost Ark.'" From there, it didn't take long for other fans to realize the potential connections between the Lucas-created properties, with many loving the reference "Ahsoka" could be making. Not only did u/mwthecool point it out, but they also penned it perfectly, saying, "If the map really did burn into her hand then it's George Lucas-ception."

Dave Filoni has the potential to do the funniest thing of all time

If there were ever a second coming of George Lucas, Dave Filoni would be at the top of most "Star Wars" fans' lists, with the legendary filmmaker handpicking Filoni to make "The Clone Wars," a job that eventually led to him being showrunner on "Ahsoka." With that in mind, Filoni can create the perfect "George Lucas-ception," giving Ahsoka her own "Indiana Jones" adventure.

In "Raider of the Lost Ark," during the flaming bar fight scene, Major Arnold Toht (Paul Freeman) tries to snatch the headpiece of the Staff of Ra, which severely burns his hands, leaving a scar on his palm. Although painful, the villains are able to use the information burned onto Toht's hand to fashion a makeshift map leading them to the Ark of the Covenant.

Fast forward a few decades, and Ahsoka has found herself in a similar position in her Disney+ series. The map to Thrawn burned her hand, leaving an injury similar to Toht's, which affected her enough to cause her to lose her fight against Baylan Skoll. "Ahsoka" could easily follow in the footsteps of "Raiders of the Lost Ark," with either the titular Jedi or Huyang (David Tennant) noticing the burns on her hand form a map, leading them to the neighboring galaxy where Thrawn and Ezra Bridger (Eman Esfandi) are. However, if this happens, we hope Ahsoka will fare better than Toht and his men, who only had a portion of the map, which led them to the wrong location.