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SPY X FAMILY: Code White - The Trailer's 3 Biggest Moments & What They Tell Us

Anime and manga regularly feature deliberately absurd and off-the-wall scenarios for their characters to navigate as their hooks but even in that company, "SPY x FAMILY" has a pretty out-there premise. Still, the bizarre plot of the series, which follows a spy, an assassin, and a telepath forming a fake family, has made the show a hit, so much so that a movie is on the way along with a second season.

"SPY x FAMILY: Code White" is set to be released in Japan on December 22, 2023, which could mark it as a direct sequel to Season 2 of the series, being that the next run of episodes is set to begin airing in October. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg for information that we can glean from the brief, yet impactful teaser trailer for the upcoming film.

Of course, the story of the film seems to imply that the Forger family is going on a family vacation, but what that means could have a lot of different implications for the family unit and whether they can keep up the charade for much longer.

The Forgers are going on vacation, and Anya wonders if they're breaking up

Early on in the teaser for "SPY x FAMILY: Code White," Loid Forger (Takuya Eguchi/Alex Organ) announces that he will be taking the family on a trip together, much to the delight of Yor (Saori Yayami/Natalie Van Sistine), Anya (Atsumi Tanezaki/Megan Shipman), and Bond. However, given the premise of the series, this is likely a cover for a mission that the superspy needs to undertake.

While Loid already struggles to keep up appearances in his double life, this means that "SPY x FAMILY: Code White" will force the character to keep the illusion going for multiple days, possibly putting his family in danger along the way. Though Yor has shown herself more than capable of handling dangerous matters throughout the series, it's Anya who announces the biggest existential threat in the teaser.

"Family breaking up...?" Anya wonders to herself midway through the teaser. Even though the family unit was initially formed to give Loid and Yor cover for their dangerous, secret professions, the trio and their pup have begun to truly love and bond with one another, which would make it all the more tragic if that were to unravel for them.

Could something threaten the bonds the Forger family have built?

However, the most dangerous threat to the Forger clan in the trailer for "SPY x FAMILY: Code White" could actually be hiding in plain sight. After all, while the narrator seems to be simply briefly summing up the plot of the anime at the start, he could actually be a character in the film, being that he makes one key mistake: he attributes Bond's precognition powers to Anya.

Only Anya knows about Bond's abilities. Because of this mistake, which could be easily made by a character in the universe of "SPY x FAMILY: Code White," the suggestion nonetheless is that a character has seemingly discovered all four secrets of the Forger family, even if he's mistaken about Anya having Bond's powers.

This notion, if correct, could also serve to explain why the Forger family needs to go on vacation as well. Naturally, if Loid is concerned that his identity as secret agent Twilight has been compromised, he might seek to get the family safely away for a time while things cool down and he figures out what to do about the breach.

Furthermore, if this dangerous third party has somehow discovered the secrets of the other family members, this could make him even more dangerous. However, what implications this will have for the survival of the family unit and the cold war brewing at the center of "SPY x FAMILY" will not be revealed until the film releases on December 22.