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Stranger Things: Maya Hawke Wants Robin To Have A Girlfriend In Season 5 - On One Condition

In Season 3 of "Stranger Things," the core group of demon hunters in Hawkins, Indiana, welcomes Robin Buckley (Maya Hawke). Robin's sharp wit and willingness to say exactly what's on her mind made her an instant fan-favorite, and throughout Season 3, she forms an especially tight bond with her Scoops Ahoy co-worker Steve Harrington (Joe Keery). One compelling story arc that begs further development concerns Robin's love life, with her sexual orientation becoming a significant plot point and touchstone for fans as the series moves through its final seasons.

Steve becomes Robin's wingman in Season 4, helping guide her toward a potential relationship with fellow marching band member Vickie (Amybeth McNulty). Season 4 ends with Vickie and Robin making sandwiches together at the Hawkins high school emergency shelter. Their scene together is filled with romantic tension thicker than the peanut butter they are spreading on slices of bread. Hawke told Yahoo she would welcome a scripted relationship between the two bandmates, but didn't want it to become her character's primary motivation or focus in Season 5.

"I also love characters where their love life is not the center of their existence," Hawke said. "That friendship with Steve is so special. And friendships have been carrying me through my life. I think they're really important and they deserve their airtime."

Some fans think Robin and Vickie are too alike to make a compelling couple

In a thread on the r/StrangerThings subreddit, some fans weighed in with their thoughts on the flirtatious sandwich assembly scene between Vickie and Robin. Many felt their awkward and slightly manic mannerisms were too similar to make them compatible as a couple, and some viewers even called their dynamic out as lazy writing and a disservice to Robin. u/Critical-Mouse-766 wrote, "They would be too boring together. I hate the writers didn't even bother to give Robin a proper love interest, and instead just gave her a copy of herself that had 2 minutes of screentime."

u/246ArianaGrande135 acknowledged that the two seemed very much alike, but expressed hope that the writers could make their pairing work in the upcoming season. "For now," they wrote, "I do think they're too similar, but hopefully in season 5 Vicki will be more developed and have other traits that differentiate her from Robin."

Potential relationship aside, Maya Hawke has expressed a far different wish for "Stranger Things" Season 5, saying she hopes Robin is killed off. "I would love to die and get my hero's moment," she told Rolling Stone. "I'd love to die with honor, as any actor would."