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Deadliest Catch: When Is The Season 19 Finale & How Long Will The Episode Be?

Season 19 of Discovery's crab fishing reality show "Deadliest Catch" is set to conclude after a relatively short run of 11 episodes in total. Despite coming so late in the series' tenure, this newest season introduces some notable shake-ups to its established formula. For example, while "Deadliest Catch" is technically unimpeded by the severe decline in the Bering Sea's snow crab population, its featured fishermen must nevertheless pursue other species for the foreseeable future. Meanwhile, "Deadliest Catch" Season 19 likewise introduces a new captain named Jack Bunnell.

Ongoing storylines like how the series' veterans navigate the snow crab shortage and how Bunnell adapts to the rigors of reality TV will come to a close when the final episode of "Deadliest Catch" Season 19 airs on June 27 in its usual Tuesday time slot at 8 p.m. EST. That said, just like the season premiere, a TV Guide listing confirms that the finale is two hours long, doubling a typical episode's one-hour runtime.

TV Guide also previews what viewers can expect from the episode with a brief synopsis. "Johnathan hunts for crab in a secret location to which he's won exclusive rights. Sig tries his luck at a derby fishery. Keith risks an at-sea deckhand transfer, and Bob joins a fisherman's strike for higher crab prices," it reads, indicating that viewers can expect plenty of requisite drama before the season wraps up for good.

Some fans online think that Deadliest Catch is starting to become tedious

Ahead of the "Deadliest Catch" Season 19 finale, some fans of the show have aired their grievances with certain aspects of the show online. For example, on June 22, less than a week away from the season finale, user sittinonlean started a Reddit thread titled "Stop the manufactured drama." Numerous replies then highlighted the fact that plenty of scenes throughout "Deadliest Catch" appear to be scripted and therefore unnatural. For example, user therapewpewtic wrote, "I made it half way through the first episode this season and stopped. It was absolutely cringeworthy and very very forced. If the writers don't think that just watching people catching crab is enough anymore, then maybe time is up for the show?"

User pointy_panda, meanwhile, started a similar thread arguing that, 19 seasons into its extensive run, "Deadliest Catch" frequently recycles plot points. "This show is dying a slow painful death," wrote one user in a reply agreeing with the original post. When the two-hour Season 19 finale premieres on June 27, then, these and other viewers may well be hoping for some significant subversions of the "Deadliest Catch" formula.