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Secret Invasion's Title Sequence Has Twitter Divided

The Marvel Cinematic Universe's next chapter is here in the form of "Secret Invasion" on Disney+, but it has only taken until the opening credits of Episode 1 for controversy to strike. Fans starting the series quickly took notice that the visuals of the opening have an uncanny, abstract quality to them — as if they were AI-generated rather than created by an actual artist. While the sequence was produced by visual effects company Method Studios, the same party responsible for the title sequences of previous Marvel projects like "Deadpool 2" and "Eternals," series director Ali Selim confirmed to Polygon that AI technology was used to some extent to create the sequence — a first for the franchise.

The MCU has a solid track record of featuring inventive, eye-catching title sequences, but the decision to use AI for "Secret Invasion" has provoked a negative reaction among some viewers. AI-generated art has been a hotly debated topic for some time now, as critics argue that these machine techniques simply aggregate data from human-produced art without the artists' consent to create new images and videos. As such, many people have decried the use of the tools for "Secret Invasion."

"The 'Secret Invasion' credit sequence was made by AI, and it's immediately obvious, because it looks gross. Talk about getting off on the wrong foot," @Lons tweeted. Other users expressed similar disapproval, with @TheFirstOkiro writing, "I really loved the first episode of 'Secret Invasion' but them using AI 'art' for their intro is just wack. Do better Marvel."

Opinions on Secret Invasion's intro run the gamut

One of the most prominent voices criticizing the use of AI in the opening titles for "Secret Invasion" is former Marvel Studios concept artist Jeff Simpson. "I'm devastated, I believe AI to be unethical, dangerous and designed solely to eliminate artists [sic] careers," the creative shared on Twitter. Simpson continued by confirming that he worked alongside the "Secret Invasion" visual development team to help create character designs and props, among other duties.

Some "Secret Invasion" users noted that the AI-generated art in the intro sequence adheres to the overarching narrative of the show, as it centers around alien Skrulls disguising themselves and infiltrating human society. "AI bots steal work and pretend that they originated it. Just like how Skrulls infiltrate," @Tchalla_Fett wrote. While others understood the ostensible stylistic intent of the sequence, they still weren't happy about its usage. "I'm sorry but idc if using AI for the 'Secret Invasion' intro 'plays into the themes of the show' that's not a justifiable reason for being lazy and piggybacking off of other artists' stolen works," @darthwebhead tweeted.

Nonetheless, some fans have come out warmer on the use of AI for the show's credits, characterizing it as a solid creative choice that hammers home the point that "Secret Invasion" is trying to make. "I like the use of AI art in the title card for 'Secret Invasion.' Works with how the Skrulls work," @AlexHilke tweeted. Some have even had an overwhelmingly positive reaction to the choice. "'Secret Invasion' having an AI (inspired?) opening credit sequence to drive home the fact that you can't trust what you're watching, because it looks real but it's not, is the coolest thing the MCU has ever done."

Method Studios justifies its use of AI

With fans and industry professionals divided over the use of AI for "Secret Invasion," Method Studios has come out to ensure viewers that using the tool was a direct reflection of the Disney+ show's themes. The company also wants to make one thing clear: The use of AI didn't take away jobs from artists. "AI is just one tool among the array of tool sets our artists used. No artists' jobs were replaced by incorporating these new tools; instead, they complemented and assisted our creative teams," the visual effects company told The Hollywood Reporter in a statement. The studio continued by describing the creative process behind the title sequence as "highly collaborative and iterative," noting that several different types of artists came together to work on it.

While speaking with Polygon, "Secret Invasion" director Ali Selim admitted that he was captivated by how AI could create complex images from simple words. However, he revealed that he wasn't familiar with how the tools worked. When asked by the outlet what he felt about Method Studios' use of artificial intelligence, Selim described it as "explorative and inevitable, and exciting, and different."

For now, the use of AI in film and television appears to be limited. Only time will tell just how widely these tools become accepted by creatives. On the bright side, it's fascinating to see the pushback Marvel Studios has received from both fans and industry veterans regarding its use of the controversial tool.