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Is Demon Slayer Season 3 The Last Arc? Here's What We Know From The Manga

While "Demon Slayer" has been going big with its battles ever since the end of Season 1, they have gotten bigger and flashier with each passing arc. Though the "Mugen Train" movie was exceptionally well-animated, by the time the final battle with Gyutaro (Ryoto Osaka/Brandon McInnis) and Daki (Miyuki Sawashiro/Erica Lindbeck) came along, things were at a whole new level.

This left the Swordsmith Village Arc of Season 3 with the unenviable task of following up on that tremendous conflict. So far, though, the third season of "Demon Slayer" seems to show the series at its most confident, airing a 49-minute premiere and a 70-minute season finale rather than scattering these efforts out into what could easily make for five episodes.

Still, with the Demon Slayer Corps. racking up more wins than ever and Muzan (Toshihiko Seki/Greg Chen) growing desperate, it's clear that the show is ratcheting toward its inevitable conclusion. For those worried that Season 3 might be the last, they have nothing to fear, as there will be at least one more season going off of the trajectory of the manga.

There will no doubt be future arcs to come

All the same, if one thought the story of "Demon Slayer" was only at its mid-point, it's a lot further along than that. According to the list of story arcs, it looks like there are only two more major arcs left to cover, with the last one broken into two chunks. How long it will take to cover them will depend on how exciting the next arc is.

Being that fans still haven't gotten to know many of the Hashira, it makes sense that the Hashira Training Arc will come along before things get too intense with the Final Battle Arc, which consists of The Infinity Castle Arc and Sunrise Countdown Arc. However, given the focus of the Hashira Training Arc and how it feeds into the final arc, they could all be combined for a solid final season. 

Considering how much fans love the Hashira and their increasingly tragic backstories, it's unlikely that too much of "Demon Slayer" will be cut down for brevity, and the Hashira Training Arc could expand even more on these beloved characters before the climactic finale. With that in mind, fans can likely expect either two more seasons or a combination of seasons and movies to wrap things up over the next few years.