Even Chicago Fire's David Eigenberg Was Hoping For A Casey And Brett Decision

Ask any Chi-Hard what long-term ship on "Chicago Fire" makes them most impatient for some sort of resolution, and the odds are they'll all have the same answer: Brettsey. The truth is, the pivotal, long-running pairing of paramedic Sylvie Brett (Kara Killmer) and former Firehouse 51 Captain Matt Casey (Jesse Spencer) wasn't always a sure thing on the series. For his part, Casey devotes considerable time to an ultimately failed marriage with paramedic and firefighter Gabby Dawson (Monica Raymond) before she exits the show, decamps to Puerto Rico and they end up divorced. Sylvie has had more than a few flings herself, including a serious interlude with Captain Kyle Sheffield (Teddy Sears) in Season 7. 

By Season 9, however, the mutual attraction between Casey and Brett was looking basically irresistible. Then, Jesse Spencer left the series in Season 10, prompting the scriptwriters to hastily arrange for Casey to take a new firefighting job in Oregon. Since then, Brettsey has been consigned to the limbo of a long-distance affair. 

But even now that Sylvie has seemingly sunk Brettsey once and for all by breaking things off, fans (and cast members) continue to be denied closure. In the Season 11 premiere of "Chicago Fire," Brett even tells Casey the spark might be re-kindled, "Maybe, someday." For David Eigenberg, who plays firefighter Christopher Herrmann, all the uncertainty is simply too much.

David Eigenberg wishes Brett and Casey would just make up their minds

Gearing up for action on "Chicago Fire" ever since the series' pilot episode back in 2012, David Eigenberg's Christopher Herrmann has become a fan favorite for his down-to-earth sensibility, good humor, and dependable nature. During his time on show he's proven himself a trustworthy colleague when the going gets tough, as well as a "serial entrepreneur" who eagerly throws himself into multiple side-hustles, including buying into part ownership of the team's chosen after-work hang out, Molly's Bar.

As one of the longest-serving veterans with the Firehouse 51 squad, Eigenberg is well positioned to comment on the seemingly endless and inconclusive drama of the Brett-and-Casey affair. He voiced his thoughts on Brettsey during a 2021 interview on TV Meg along with fellow "Chicago Fire" actor Eamonn Walker, who plays Chief Wallace Boden. Asked about his impatience with Brettsey's storyline, Eigenberg singled out the characters' vacillation as the issue, saying, "Some people in life can't pull the trigger, so to speak, in an amicable, loving way." 

He went on to add that while he's had people in his life who acted with the same indecisiveness, that isn't his style, saying, "I've had friends like that, and I'm a 'jump in' guy." He reinforced this assertion by recalling that he knew he was going to marry his wife the moment he met her, even though he notes that she apparently took longer before pulling that particular trigger.