NCIS: LA Fans Have Mixed Feelings About The Show Ending With Season 14

In January of 2023, CBS announced that "NCIS: Los Angeles" will end after its 14th season. When this news broke, actor LL Cool J shared that it's the perfect time for "NCIS: LA" to conclude in his estimation, since he thinks the show is capable of quitting while it's still ahead.

A number of fans online, it turns out, agree with the former rapper's sentiment. For instance, in a Reddit thread about the show's cancellation, user North_Carpenter6844 proposed that many of its cast members are no longer invested in their "NCIS: LA" roles, as evidenced by the fact that recent episodes have tended to rotate main cast members in and out at regular intervals. "I imagine a lot of the cast was ready to leave. The main 4 have been doing it since season 1," wrote user BLAGTIER, also in this thread. "If the show had been less successful at retaining cast members it might have been able to continue."

Meanwhile, Twitter user @BryanD851 argued that the series maybe even could have benefitted from wrapping up five-or-so seasons prior. While user @Steelersgirl217 didn't go that far, they too shared that they welcome "NCIS: LA" ending, writing in a follow-up Tweet that they think the show is getting old.

Of course, not all fans are taking the news this well, with plenty sad or angry about the fact that Season 14 of "NCIS: LA" will be its last as well.

A fair share of NCIS: LA fans are unhappy about its cancellation

In the thread on the general TV subreddit about "NCIS: Los Angeles" concluding, user PM_ME_YOUR_SOULZ shared that they're bummed out about this announcement, and will rewatch the show from the beginning now that it's time is almost up. User proteinaficionado replied that they too will miss the series, and specifically want Hetty Lange (Linda Hunt) and G. Callen (Chris O'Donnell)'s storylines wrapped up in a satisfying manner. Similarly, Twitter user @BrandiRenee1516 — likewise upset about the show ending — wrote that they will miss Marty Deeks (Eric Christian Olsen) in particular once "NCIS: LA" is over.

Also on Twitter, users @TannerKelly15 and @bishopstodd shared their unhappiness about the end of "NCIS: LA," which they both proposed is the best show in the "NCIS" universe. User @taeisback132, meanwhile, simply wrote, "I just found out NCIS:LA is ending and I am not ok."

Fans of the show, then, are firmly split on the matter of whether or not "NCIS: LA" ending is good or bad for the show, united only in feeling strongly about the fact it's concluding after a solid 300+ episodes over the course of 14 years on the air.