Chicago Fire Fans Are Losing It Over The Return Of Matt Casey In Season 11

Speculation that Matt Casey (Jesse Spencer) might return to "Chicago Fire" became widespread among fans of the show partway through Season 11 once semi-frequent allusions to the former series lead started to seem like more than a coincidence. Such theories were eventually proven correct when the news broke that Matt Casey will indeed reappear on "Chicago Fire" in Season 11, Episode 18. While that episode has yet to premiere, plenty of fans online are already looking forward to this development.

For example, on Twitter, @CamillaLatham30 joked that Casey's return is sufficient evidence that God exists. Similarly, @ILuvMyTide reposted the big news with their own ecstatic commentary, adding that the "Chicago Fire" fanbase has missed Casey since his Season 10 departure. Meanwhile, @danqscully celebrated Casey's comeback by exclaiming that they thought Casey was out for good, making the announcement of his return a welcome surprise. Plenty of other users, like @caseysbyers and "Chicago Fire" fan account @BrettseyDaily are similarly stoked about the news.

However, a certain contingent of "Chicago Fire" fans, while potentially looking forward to seeing a former series staple again, are apprehensive about how this might impact his dynamic with Sylvie Brett (Kara Killmer), whose relationship with Casey ended soon after he moved away to Portland, but who some fans nevertheless want to end up with Casey before the series' conclusion.

Fans are worried that Casey's return might definitively put Brettsey to rest

Also in response to Matt Casey coming back to "Chicago Fire," Twitter user @rainydayhues wrote, "I ofc want to see Casey but if it's just for him to tell Brett it's okay to move on, I really don't need it. Can't trust anything these days."

This sentiment was retweeted multiple times by fans similarly worried about this potential outcome of Casey's return. User @4freefalling6, for instance, shared that they would rather Casey stay away from "Chicago Fire" than preclude the possibility of he and Brett ever getting back together. In response to another user's Quote Tweet, @JessicaFritsc12 argued that Brettsey should be a part of the "Chicago Fire" end game, and urged the show's writers not to use Casey's comeback for such a purpose.

That said, at least a couple of viewers think that Spencer's return might be good news for Brettsey fans. In a Reddit thread about the upcoming Casey episode, user SportsPhotoGirl shared that they think Casey's presence might, rather, break up Brett and her new partner. User Yourappwontletme agreed, proposing that the "Chicago Fire" team might think there's a possibility Spencer could be back for good, and in that case reprise Casey and Brett's storyline.

Of course, just what Casey's return means for the series will only become clear when upon the "Chicago Fire" Season 11, Episode 18 premiere.