Shadow And Bone's Season 2 Alliance Clip Has Fans Calling The Casting Perfection

Netflix's "Shadow and Bone" is a fantasy series based on novels written by Leigh Bardugo. While primarily inspired by her "Shadow and Bone" trilogy (think typical Chosen One narratives), elements from her "Six of Crows" duology (think magic "Ocean's Eleven") are also present. What's interesting is that the parts pulled from Bardugo's trilogy follow the canon of the first entry in that arc. However, the elements taken from Bardugo's duology are altered for the sake of the series.

We know that Season 2, which is set to drop on March 16, 2023, is primarily based on the second novel in Bardugo's trilogy, "Siege and Storm." To stir up some hype, Netflix released a teaser trailer that shows off a new character: Nikolai Lantsov. Well, new to Netflix viewers, at least. As readers know, Nikolai is a pivotal figure in Bardugo's work. He's a prince of Ravka (the fictional version of Russia where "Shadow and Bone" primarily takes place) and second in line to the throne. He spent years at sea operating under the name Sturmhond because there's only so much he can legally do against his father's enemies while bearing his own name.

If Netflix is planning to stick with the books on this one, then Nikolai will be enjoying some serious screen time in Season 2. And, based on the reaction to the teaser trailer, fans are totally okay with that, because they're loving the casting.

Patrick Gibson has the seal of approval from fans

The comments sections of YouTube videos are notoriously negative places, though there are rare moments where kindness can be found. This is one of those cases. It seems like most people who watched Netflix's "Shadow and Bone" Season 2 teaser trailer were impressed with the casting of Patrick Gibson in the role of Sturmhond, aka Prince Nikolai Lantsov.

User @imaginarygrant said "Patrick was so well cast he's clearly done an amazing job as Sturmhond/Nikolai," and @artisticbean4945 echoed this sentiment, adding praise to the other cast members featured, too. Perhaps the funniest response came from @marygimnastika350, who made it clear that they were happily distracted by Gibson's physical appearance. On Twitter, TV writer Shelby Elpers retweeted the official "Shadow and Bone" account, saying, "Paddy Gibson is the PERFECT Nikolai Lantsov."

The best thing about fans' general response is that, were Nikolai real, he would totally eat it up. Depending on how socially plugged in Gibson is, he might be taking a victory lap himself. It's no spoiler to say that the Ravkan prince-turned-pirate enjoys attention wherever he can get it. Sure, he possesses a sharp tactical mind and all the other qualities one would hope to find in a potential leader, but the guy's ego could eclipse the sun itself. Fortunately for Ravka, Nikolai knows when to put his duty first.