Pixar's Second Elemental Trailer Is A Colorful Breath Of Fresh Air

It's pretty much become a meme at this point that Pixar's whole deal is taking things that don't normally have emotions and then giving them emotions. Throughout the studio's tenure, it's given us such gems as "toys with emotions," "robots with emotions," and even "emotions with emotions." And it would appear Pixar is set on keeping that trend going with its upcoming "Elemental," which will see the elements with emotions. 

As the title suggests, "Elemental" will see the four elements — fire, water, earth, and air — inhabit a city together. Naturally, those elements don't always react well together, as evidenced by the fiery lead character, Ember Lumen (Leah Lewis), trying to make a relationship work with the water-based Wade Ripple (Mamoudou Athie). We got a teaser trailer a couple of months back to showcase the basic premise behind the film, and while it didn't reveal much as far as the story, it proved once again this would be a dazzling Pixar extravaganza. And now, the latest trailer spot gives audiences an even greater picture of what Pixar's latest will entail.

Pixar's Elemental turns up the heat

Gorgeous visuals and a heartwarming story are to be expected of any Pixar project. And "Elemental" seems like it won't be any different. And while the idea of an element-based city filled with anthropomorphic embodiments of fire, water, earth, and air seems a little out there, it's obvious this film will be grounded in genuine emotion (there's that word again). 

Director Peter Sohn has spoken about what "Elemental" means to him and what inspired him to make it to Cartoon Brew. He explained that it comes from his own upbringing in an immigrant family and how growing up in a city introduced him to other cultures that seemed vastly different than what he was used to. He stated, "We were among many families who ventured to a new land with hopes and dreams — all of us mixing into one big salad bowl of cultures, languages, and beautiful little neighborhoods. That's what led me to Elemental."

At first glance, it would seem like fire and water would have nothing in common. But over the course of the film, it's bound that they'll discover how much they truly connect, showing how none of us are truly that different from one another. You can see Pixar's latest when it releases in theaters on June 16.