Gabriel Luna Still Wants To Continue Playing Ghost Rider In The MCU

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has featured plenty of superhero juggernauts like Spider-Man and Thor, but there's one particularly iconic character that the franchise adapted who actually flew relatively under the radar. Ghost Rider, the motorcycle-driving antihero fueled by the fiery powers of Hell, actually made his franchise debut in 2016 on the ABC TV series "Agents of SHIELD." This iteration of the character was the Robbie Reyes incarnation, convincingly portrayed by "The Last of Us" star Gabriel Luna.

Unfortunately, a planned Ghost Rider TV series spin-off starring Luna's version was ultimately canceled and the character hasn't shown up again in the MCU since "Agents of SHIELD" last featured him. That's likely due in part to the tenuous creative connections between the early MCU TV shows and the MCU proper. However, even years later, Luna is holding out hope that he can bring Ghost Rider back into the universe in some shape or form.

Luna wants more of Ghost Rider

In an interview with Comic Book, Gabriel Luna noted that he hopes his version of Robbie Reyes/Ghost Rider gets another chance to appear in the MCU. "You know, I think that the way we left it [...] I would definitely think that there's a lot more to say," the actor said. "I loved the response. Everyone loved Robbie and they loved the character."

Luna suggested that the comic book source material provides a lot of avenues that the franchise's executives could take to move forward with the character. "There are so many places you can go because in the comics he became an Avenger and he's now the All-Rider, which is pretty awesome when you think about it," the star said. "He's become quite an important piece in Marvel publishing so if he were to appear again, he absolutely deserves it. Whether it's me or not."

There certainly is a chance that Ghost Rider could reappear in the MCU, but it's far from a guarantee that it would be Luna's Robbie Reyes iteration holding the fiery mantle. Last July, Ryan Gosling pitched himself as Ghost Rider and Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige was ostensibly supportive of the idea. However, if Ghost Rider really is set to make a grand return to the MCU in the future, one can only hope that they properly consider bringing Luna's version back into the fold.