M3GAN Scares Up Rave Reviews From Critics On Rotten Tomatoes

Few horror films in recent memory have managed to stir up the unbridled enthusiasm and hype that "M3GAN" has. From the first trailer featuring its campy dancing robot, the excitement for the latest movie to enter the killer doll horror subgenre has been skyrocketing across social media platforms like TikTok.

All the same, just because a movie is hyped up with a great marketing campaign, that doesn't always mean that the film will deliver the goods when it's finally released into the mainstream market. Take the blitz that led up to the release of the famed disaster movie "Snakes on a Plane," and its subsequently divisive reaction from audiences and critics alike (via Rotten Tomatoes).

Even with examples like this standing out in the history of the cinema, though, it looks like "M3GAN" won't be succumbing to the trend of building audiences up into a tizzy, only to let them down upon release.

The PG-13 rating doesn't seem to be hurting M3GAN one bit

The first batch of reviews is coming in hot for "M3GAN," and according to Rotten Tomatoes, critics seem to be loving the new Blumhouse horror film. As of press time, the dancing robot looks to be charming critics just as much as she's been wooing social media users over the last few months, bringing in a score of 97% based on reviews from 18 critics so far.

Of course, major releases like "M3GAN" are often reviewed by over 100 critics, so we could see that score adjusted big time as the rest of the reviews come in over the next day. Still, with only a single negative review out of the current count of 18, the statistics are in the campy horror-thriller's favor for the time being.

This news is no doubt a welcome relief to horror hounds who were worried that "M3GAN's" PG-13 rating might take some of the bite out of the movie, as this often tends to mean that a film in the genre has had its violence and adult content scaled down in order to offer a wider audience the chance to see the movie in theaters.

Either way, barring a total upset coming in from the remaining reviews, it would seem that "M3GAN" is poised to deliver on the avalanche of hype that surrounds it when it goes into wide release on January 6.