Ron Howard Doesn't Sound Very Optimistic About The Possibilty Of Solo 2

Despite being directed by Oscar-winning director Ron Howard and featuring a stellar cast that included Alden Ehrenreich, Woody Harrelson, Donald Glover, and Emilia Clarke, not all "Star Wars" fans were thrilled with the 2018 film "Solo: A Star Wars Story." Some fans accused Howard of rewriting the script after he took over, something which one of the film's actors disputed. "It's exactly the same script," the anonymous actor told Vulture. "They're filming exactly the same things. There's nothing new." But while the standalone film may not be nearly as financially successful as other "Star Wars" installments, "Solo" fans aren't the only ones hanging onto hope for a sequel.

In the summer of 2022, co-writer Lawrence Kasdan shared his thoughts with Inverse about the potential of a "Solo" streaming series. Kasdan, the writer of "The Empire Strikes Back," and co-writer of "The Force Awakens" said "I've never been particularly drawn to expanding ['Solo'] into a show. But, I do talk to Jon [Kasdan, co-writer] and Ron [Howard] a lot about what went right and what went wrong with the 'Solo' experience. I would be more interested in doing another movie, not a TV series."

But while Kasdan may be up for continuing the saga of Han Solo in a follow-up film, Howard doesn't appear to be optimistic about the possibility.

Howard says a sequel isn't a Lucasfilm priority

"Solo: A Star Wars Story" may have its detractors, but there's definitely a large fanbase that agrees with Lawrence Kasdan. "I do see the major problems with the movie and how it could've been better," wrote u/Drew_da_mood567 on the "Star Wars" subreddit. "It's an amazing and completely underrating film that we need to see more of (either as more films or in a tv series)" wrote u/Slinkadynk. Unfortunately, director Ron Howard doesn't see either of these things happening. "The only discussion that I'm aware of about a sequel for 'Solo' is coming from the fans at this point," Howard told NME. "I don't think it's a Lucasfilm priority, as I understand it."

This may not be the news many were hoping for, but Howard is also quick to point out that we should never underestimate the power of the fans. "There's some great characters launched, and the folks from Lucasfilm love the fans and really do listen so I would never say never," he said. While the failure of "Solo" may mean fewer standalone "Star Wars" films, no one should ever underestimate "Star Wars" fans. Perhaps we won't ever see a full-fledged sequel, but given the epic cameos we've seen in series like "The Book of Boba Fett," there's always a possibility the characters from "Solo" could appear in Disney+ projects down the line.