The Unfilmed Funding Scene From Ferris Bueller's Day Off Is Sigh-Inducing

For most people, a day off from school or work isn't going to be too outlandish. Maybe they'll catch up on some errands or simply relax and watch some "The Price Is Right." But for Ferris Bueller (Matthew Broderick), this sort of schedule simply won't do.

In the 1986 cult classic, the scrappy teen pulls out all the stops to enjoy the best day ever with his friend Cameron (Alan Ruck) and girlfriend Sloane (Mia Sara), all under the ruse that he's extremely sick at home. Over the span of a few hours, Ferris brings them on quite the adventure across Chicago. After "borrowing" the Ferrari of Cameron's father, they dine at the upscale eatery Chez Luis, attend a Chicago Cubs baseball game, peruse the Art Institute of Chicago, and find themselves in the middle of a parade.

At its heart, "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" is a simple, feel-good flick. However, it can be easy to over-analyze some aspects of the movie. For example, Ferris is a teenager, and given his lack of motivation for school or anything that's not fun, it's unlikely that he holds even a part-time job. Therefore, one may wonder — how did he fund his day off?

Of course, this was the 1980s, when everything was much cheaper than in the present day. But dinner for three, baseball and museum tickets, parking costs, and taxi fares can add up fast. For those questioning how Ferris dealt with the hefty price tag, an unfilmed scene in the script provides a not-so-shocking answer.

Ferris tricks his dad into revealing where his Christmas bonds are

From the get-go in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off," it's clear that the son of Tom (Lyman Ward) and Katie (Cindy Pickett) Bueller is conniving. He has an entire stereo setup of snore sounds; he licks his palms to give off the feverish, clammy effect; he knows how to hack the computer of principal Ed Rooney (Jeffrey Jones) to decrease his nine absence marks.

However, there's another scene in the script — one that wasn't filmed — that not only shows Ferris in an even more deceptive light, but also explains how he finances his outing. Early on in the film, Tom calls Ferris from work to see how he's feeling, but the conversation shown is shorter than in the original script (via IMSDB).

In this unfilmed scene, Ferris tells Cameron, who is on the other line, "I'm working on getting some heavy bucks out of him..." Back to his dad, Ferris praises Tom for showing such worry: "It's like those savings bonds you used to give me every Christmas. It was that kind of concern. You work so hard I'll bet you don't even remember where those bonds are, right?" Tom: "Wrong." Ferris: "Oh, yeah? You're pulling my leg. You're just trying to cheer me up." Tom: "Like hell I am. They're in a shoebox in my closet." Ferris says to the camera, "Was that a class move or what?"

This scene certainly pushes the narrative that Ferris is deceitful. On the other hand, it's technically his money. If he'd stolen his dad's credit card, that would be another story. Plus, many fans feel that all of this is a clever ploy to bring Cameron some joy. U/GrammerSnob said, "I think I realize that the movie is about one guy's mission, born of love and concern, to save his friend from a lifetime of misery before they go their separate ways."