Deadpool 3 To Start Filming In May 2023

"Deadpool 3" is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated superhero movies of all time — with legendary "X-Men" and Wolverine actor Hugh Jackman set to return to the genre and long-awaited debut in the MCU. 

"It's been brewing for a long time," Jackman told Variety back in October, noting how the rumors of him wanting to team up with Ryan Reynolds for years were true. "It just took me longer to get here," Jackman said. According to Jackman, it was his idea to come back as Wolverine in "Deadpool 3." 

Reynolds has called working with Jackman again — following 2009's disastrous "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" — a "dream come true," since he can now show off his updated version of Wade Wilson alongside Jackman's iconic Logan. "Working with Logan and having Logan and Wade together in a movie is beyond any dream I would ever be audacious enough to have," Reynolds told Collider in early November.

Like most superhero flicks these days, Jackman and Reynolds have had to keep things tightly under wraps when it comes to "Deadpool 3" and all the details surrounding it. Until now, fans didn't even know when the movie would start filming, with no hints of a production plan or schedule other than its November 8, 2024, release date. But viewers need not stress over the little details, as Director Shawn Levy has decided to throw fans a bone and offer some "Deadpool 3" tidbits in an interview.

Deadpool 3 to start shooting 'on or about' May 2023, will have lengthy post-production process

Speaking to Collider, Shawn Levy peeled back the curtain regarding where "Deadpool 3" was in production, saying it was only a matter of months before things would be off the ground and running.

"On or about [May 2023]," Levy said. According to him, the reason for starting so late is that he knows most of the work won't come until the post-production phase. So it ultimately won't take too long to shoot everything. "The truth is the more digitally CG-heavy a movie is, the longer time you need in post," Levy explained.

While it may seem like Levy and his production team are putting off work until filming starts later on, there's still a lot of work going on behind the scenes. Levy told Collider, "We are writing, rewriting, developing, prepping 'Deadpool' every day now. It is such a blast to laugh every day," he said. "It is so delicious to hear and write and come up with these scenes where people are just talking foul. And the violence is in your face and hardcore, and it's very much a 'Deadpool' movie."

From the sounds of it, Levy is quite pleased with how work is coming along on "Deadpool 3." Fans will just have to wait a bit longer to see what all the fuss is about.