Marvel Fans Are Losing Their Minds Over Ryan Reynolds' Interaction With A Miss Minutes Twitter Account

As surprising as it is that the wisecracking and infamously foul-mouthed superhero Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) will soon be joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe — with Kevin Feige himself officially confirming that "Deadpool" will be the MCU's only R-Rated property – perhaps the most surprising part about the buildup to "Deadpool 3" was the announcement that Hugh Jackman would be joining the project and reprising his role as Wolverine.

Following this unprecedented announcement, fans online could hardly contain their excitement at the possibility of seeing Deadpool and Wolverine team up on the big screen, with plenty of fans theorizing about all of the ways that this unlikely partnership could pan out.

We currently still know very little about how Wolverine will find his way into the MCU (outside of a simple disclaimer from Reynolds and Jackman explaining that the film takes place before "Logan"). However, some fans on Twitter think we may have just gotten a hint about Wolverine's origins through a recent tweet from Ryan Reynolds himself — in which he interacted with a fan account for "Loki's" Miss Minutes.

Fans think the TVA could be linked to the story of Deadpool 3

Fans of the Disney+ series "Loki" will know that Miss Minutes (Tara Strong) is an AI that helps run the Time Variance Authority, while also serving as the TVA's de-facto mascot. On Monday, Twitter user @MissMinutesTVA (which appears to be no more than a fan account for the "Loki" character) tweeted, "Hey there @Deadpool. Love, Miss Minutes." Ryan Reynolds himself responded, "Hello, Miss Minutes." Marvel fans quickly lost their minds at this brief and seemingly harmless interaction, with plenty of users theorizing that Reynolds was giving them a hint about how Wolverine could appear within the upcoming "Deadpool 3."

"WHAT IS GOING AWNNNN MR. REYNOLDS??" wrote @funkyemerald. "Don't play with me Ryan now I'm expecting Deadpool in Loki season 2," wrote @ilyryanreynolds. Other users like @moviepollz chimed in to suggest that this means that the Wolverine we meet in "Deadpool 3" will be a variant like the alternate Lokis we met in "Loki," since we're currently at the height of the MCU's fascination with the multiverse.

Although it certainly would be interesting to see the TVA somehow factor into the storyline of "Deadpool 3," the Miss Minutes account that originally tweeted at Reynolds was quick to throw cold water on the situation. They denied that Miss Minutes would appear in "Deadpool 3" and tweeted: "Nah, just saying hi to the neighborhood merc with a mouth." Even if the Time Variance Authority of Miss Minutes has something to do with the introduction of Deadpool and Wolverine into the MCU, it seems like this brief Twitter interaction was nothing more than some lighthearted fun between Reynolds and a fan.