30 Best Teen Titans Episodes Ranked

In a pop culture landscape brimming with superhero stories, one 2003 cartoon still manages to stand out. "Teen Titans" follows young superheroes Robin, Raven, Beast Boy, Starfire, and Cyborg as they get up to all manner of shenanigans in and around Jump City. Some of their adventures are hilarious. Some are entirely serious. Some are a little bit of both. But every single one is as memorable as the T-shaped tower they call home.

With its unique anime influences, talented cast, and skillful writing, "Teen Titans" remains a classic of the genre. Although the far goofier "Teen Titans Go!" keeps the Titans in the public's consciousness, there's nothing quite like the 2003 series' blend of comedy and pathos. Luckily, it's an incredibly rewatchable show, especially for fans who haven't returned to it since it went off the air in 2006. Looking to revisit Jump City? Allow us to be your guide. These are the 30 best "Teen Titans" episodes, ranked.

30. Date with Destiny

Taking over a city requires a lot of hard work and planning. The last thing a supervillain attempting to do this needs is teenage drama getting in the way. But that's exactly what happens when Killer Moth's spoiled daughter Kitten gets dumped by her boyfriend Fang the evening before her junior prom. Apparently used to having her way, Kitten demands that Killer Moth make Robin take her to prom, in order to make her ex jealous. Because he's wrapped around her little finger, her dad complies, threatening the Titans with a city-wide mutant moth attack if Robin doesn't take his little girl to the dance. The deeply frustrated "Robbie-poo" complies, and is forced to endure her demands for compliments and slow dances. A miserable Starfire tags along, and eventually, things culminate in an epic fight. 

One of the things that makes this episode so much fun is the glimpse it offers of Starfire and Robin's growing romantic interest in each other. They circle this fact like the two goofy teenagers they are, until they're finally given the chance to have a dance of their own.

29. Bunny Raven, or, How to Make a Titananimal Disappear

"Bunny Raven, or, How to Make a Titananimal Disappear" is one of the trippier episodes of "Teen Titans." While tangling with magician and bank robber Mumbo, Raven gets transformed into an absolutely adorable white bunny. As if that wasn't cute enough, she's still wearing her Raven outfit. To make things even more bizarre, Mumbo tosses the other Titans inside his hat, where he's stashed Raven inside of an even smaller hat. "Alice in Wonderland"-style adventures ensue as a giant Mumbo menaces the Titans inside the Hat Dimension, transforming Cyborg into a tutu-wearing cy-bear, Robin into a monkey, and Starfire into a flea-ridden tiger. Beast Boy, in an inversion of his powers, is only able to transform into inanimate objects like lamps and phone booths. 

Mumbo's wacky torment leads to plenty of fantastic one-liners: Starfire exclaiming, "I do not like being a cat in this hat!" is especially memorable. The finale delivers as well, when Raven turns the tables on Mumbo with her own grand illusion. Tom Kenny's performance as the sinister magician is a particularly vivid highlight.

28. Homecoming: Part 1

"Homecoming Part 1" begins with a 1960s-inspired flashback to a young Beast Boy's days with the Doom Patrol. The team faces off with the Brotherhood of Evil, led by Monsieur Mallah and the Brain. During the encounter, Beast Boy disobeys orders to save Elasti-Girl, Mento, Negative Man, and Robot Man, earning Mento's condemnation. In the present, Beast Boy finds himself facing old ghosts when the Titans receive a locator pod, which compels him to go after the Doom Patrol in the Amazonian jungle.

As the Titans venture forth, the usually goofy Beast Boy becomes more withdrawn and sullen. History repeats itself when Beast Boy lets the Brain go in order to save the Titans and the Doom Patrol. This is in spite of the fact that the Brain possesses a destructive quantum generator, which allows the Brotherhood of Evil to create a deadly black hole. The darker tone of this episode, which kicks off a two-episode arc, sets the tone for Season 5, introduces the Doom Patrol, and adds layers to Beast Boy's characterization, making it a must-watch.

27. Homecoming: Part 2

Continuing the story from "Homecoming: Part 1" is "Homecoming: Part 2," which puts Beast Boy in the difficult position of having to leave the Titans and rejoin the Doom Patrol in pursuit of the Brain. One by one, an emotional Beast Boy and Mento leave their compatriots behind. Things take a turn for the worse on their mission, however, and eventually, the two of them are left with no communicator to contact anyone. Beast Boy finally earns Mento's respect when he thinks on his feet and demands they work smarter, not harder. This does the trick: The Titans arrive in the nick of time with Negative Man, Robot Man, and Elasti-Girl among their ranks. An epic scene where the Doom Patrol and the Titans go on the offensive together ensues. 

This juxtaposition of the two teams is one of the highlights of the episode, which ends with a large-scale meeting of supervillains all ominously plotting to aid the Brain in his attack on young superheroes everywhere. It's worth pausing to take a closer look at the villainous ranks, which includes the obnoxious Kitten and Fang of "Date With Destiny," as well as a host of other foes from the series.

26. Things Change

In "Things Change," the Titans return from their months-long battle against the Brotherhood of Evil to find their city has completely changed. Their favorite stores are gone, and a strange white creature is lurking in the streets. Stranger still, Beast Boy is convinced that Terra, once turned to stone, is now walking around, dressed as a normal schoolgirl. When he finally finds her, she claims not to know him and tells him her name isn't Terra. In desperation, Beast Boy turns to Slade, who tells Beast Boy he should leave Terra alone. After continuing to push things with the high school girl he believes was once his friend, Beast Boy is forced to accept that she wants no part of fighting crime. He leaves her to her studies. 

This emotional story is an incredible example of the show's most powerful writing. Is the young woman Terra? Maybe. But even if she is, it doesn't matter — she doesn't want to be the person she was anymore. And given what she went through, who can blame her? Beast Boy must do one of the hardest and most necessary things anyone ever has to in this episode: accept the unchangeable, and move on.

25. Switched

"Switched" finds the girls getting Freaky Friday-ed by the Puppet King. The action begins when the Titans receive a box of super cute puppets, crafted to look like themselves. They turn out to be a Trojan horse for the Puppet King, who traps the spirits of Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Robin into their corresponding marionettes, putting their bodies under his control. When he sends the zombified three after Raven and Starfire, Raven helps them get away, but switches their bodies in the process.

Starfire is ill-equipped to handle Raven's powers, which require complete emotional calm. Likewise, Raven struggles to adapt to Starfire's abilities, which are driven by positive emotions like joy and confidence. To save their friends, the girls must work together, and, most importantly, see things from the other's perspective. The experience leaves them with a better understanding of each other, and marks the true beginning of their friendship. It's a perfect example of the kind of storytelling that makes "Teen Titans" a pleasure to watch.

24. Titan Rising

"Titan Rising" revolves around the return of Terra and her relationship with Slade. The Titans are thrilled when Terra comes back to them, seemingly in control of her powers. But Raven remain skeptical and concerned about the damage she believes Terra can still cause. Just as the Titans begin contemplating giving her a place among their ranks, earthquakes pop up around the city. While battling a drill-happy Slade, who is bent on taking out Titans Tower, Raven and Terra work through their issues and manage to save the structure in the nick of time. 

At the end of the episode, the group gives Terra her own quarters and accepts her as an official Teen Titan. As fans know, this sets the scene for her devastating betrayal. This suspense, combined with the potent conflict between Terra and Raven, makes "Titan Rising" a can't-miss episode.

23. Winner Take All

In "Winner Take All," the Master of Games pops the Titan boys into an alternate dimension for a friendly Tournament of Heroes. Here, they're invited to compete against a handful of other do-gooders (and some minor villains), including Hot Spot, Aqualad, Gizmo, Wildebeest, and Speedy.

When Cyborg can't get through to Titans Tower, he begins to suspect there's something sinister at work, but he can't get Robin on board to investigate with him. It soon becomes apparent that the Master of Games is taking superpowers from the defeated fighters, whom he traps in his magical jewel. The heroes must work together to take him down — but after they do so, the girls appear in the Master's realm. He welcomes them to the Tournament of Heroines. Though we dearly wish we could have seen how this second bout goes, the first tournament is fun enough to tide us over.

22. Deception

"Deception" sees Cyborg infiltrate H.I.V.E Academy, a school that turns out criminals and villains, using a holographic generator that hides his robotic augmentations. Posing as a student named Stone, he tangles with Mammoth, Jinx, and Gizmo, gains intel on the school's inner workings, and catches the eye of the school's headmaster, Brother Blood. When the Titan is inevitably caught going through Blood's computer, Blood persuades Cyborg to work for him, even promising to make him entirely human once more.

There are a few things that make this episode one of the show's stand-out entries. Most prominently, it gives fans a chance to learn more about Cyborg's past, and his complex relationship with who he was. We also get a rare glimpse of Raven's lighthearted side toward the end of the episode, and her tender friendship with Cyborg. The episode also includes a few fun references to the classic comics — Stone, for example, is a nod to Cyborg's civilian identity, Victor Stone.

21. The Quest

After a Chinatown encounter with a skilled fighter highlights a deficit in his skillset, Robin decides to do some hardcore training. According to legend, a martial artist known as the True Master lives in a remote location in Asia, only training the world's most worthy fighters. Robin decides to seek him out alone, much to Starfire's displeasure.

Robin's personal journey makes "The Quest" one of the show's most character-defining episodes, but it's the hilarious shenanigans carried out by the other Titans that make this episode sing. In Robin's absence, his friends go "Robining" — as in, they dress up in his clothes, play with his things, and otherwise pretend to be him. As Beast Boy persuasively argues, Robin is just plain cool. Who wouldn't want to indulge in a bit of make believe, given the opportunity? Watching Raven admit the mask makes her feel cool is worth the price of admission alone.

20. Terra

"Terra" introduces Season 2's gut-wrenching central arc. It begins on a mesa near Jump City, where the Titans encounter Terra, a young girl with the power to control earth. They're pleased to meet her and immediately invite her to stay with them instead of the cave she's been squatting in. Beast Boy is smitten right off the bat, and the pair form an instant friendship. 

While she manages to blunder her way through the Titans' obstacle course, Terra is clearly unable to control her powers. She's deeply ashamed of this, which is no surprise, as she's implied to have accidentally caused a few awful accidents. Things take a turn for the worse when Slade isolates her from the rest of the team and offers to help her. She refuses — but then Robin reveals he knows about her lack of control. Terra flees, convinced Beast Boy spilled her secret. This brilliantly establishes the pain and isolation Terra feels, while also foreshadowing her heartbreaking future fate.

19. Fear Itself

After a confrontation with toxic fanboy Control Freak, the Titans are in the mood for a scary movie. That night, they're woken up by a monster that abruptly disappears. Then, Raven discovers her powers are on the fritz. As the Titans explore the tower, the monster nabs them one by one. A defiant Raven continues to insist she's not afraid as the horrors around her amplify. Finally, she's forced to accept that she is frightened. This is what allows her to regain her powers and defeat the monsters, which were only ever her own subconscious creations. 

This episode's beautifully drawn monsters and moody color palette make it one of the show's more artful entries. The animation is also filled with references to classic horror films, which are a whole lot of fun to spot. It's also fun to see the inside of Raven's room, which is a '00s goth's paradise.

18. Don't Touch That Dial

Season 4 of "Teen Titans" kicks off with another appearance from Control Freak, who brings a plethora of pop culture references wherever he goes. "Don't Touch That Dial," which begins with a clear parody of "The Outer Limits," is no exception.

The Titans get a news alert that Control Freak has escaped from prison. While searching for his base of operations, the Titans are transported into the world of TV. They chase their foe through game shows, news reports, fishing programs, energy drink commercials, a children's show, and more. The episode is rife with pop culture shout-outs and spoofs, including nods to "The Dukes of Hazzard," "Star Wars," "Star Trek," and "Leave it to Beaver," just to name a few. As if that weren't enough for the TV and film geeks watching, there's even a brief fourth-wall-breaking moment when Cyborg mentions the very episode they're in.

17. Lightspeed

"Lightspeed" is a Jinx-centric episode that sees the bonafide bad girl confront her own inner turmoil. While leading the H.I.V.E. Five on a museum heist, the pink–haired troublemaker sets her sights on a mystic amulet. As the group attempts to make off with the treasures, they get relieved of their loot by a super-fast superhero they don't recognize. Worried about their reputation, Jinx obsesses over finding the unknown assailant's identity. Eventually, Kid Flash introduces himself to Jinx, and promptly encourages her to change her ways.

Though she initially exploits his kindness, Jinx is soon backed into a corner. She's not respected by her team, or anyone on the villainous side of things — Kid Flash is the only person who seems to recognize her intelligence and skill. Jinx's character growth and willingness to turn her back on her previous aspirations, save Kid Flash, and embark on a new life path make this a must-watch episode.

16. Masks

"Masks" is one of the earliest "Teen Titans" episodes to feature Slade, known to comic book fans as Deathstroke the Terminator. Obsessed with finding out what Slade is up to and why the villain is after a certain microchip, Robin holes up in his room to work. The team soon encounters a few foe: Red X. From their perspective, it looks like Red X is after the same things Slade is, making them accomplices. Worse still, Red X seems to have insight into the Titans' weaknesses, easily besting them in combat.

An interaction between Slade and Red X reveals that the latter criminal is actually auditioning to work with the former. Slade eventually unmasks the new villain, who turns out to be Robin. A heartbroken Starfire has already concluded this, but this doesn't take the sting out of the act. Robin's efforts to get closer to Slade independently fail, and his team's trust in him is severely damaged. While the episode marks the first appearance of the Red X persona and Robin's last appearance as this alter-ego, it also marks the beginning of Robin's more complex feelings about the nature of good and evil.

15. Nevermore

After Raven's powers go violently out of control, Beast Boy and Cyborg stop by her room to check on her. She isn't home, so the boys start snooping around ... and almost immediately get pulled into a dark dimension inside of a mirror. There, they encounter fuzzy physics, different landscapes, a bonafide labyrinth, and demonic corvids with creepy children's voices, who warn them to turn back. Soon, they encounter the strangest thing of all: A cheery Raven clad in pink, which she claims is her favorite color. She's soon joined by a sullen Raven dressed in gray who seems to have no confidence. 

Raven herself eventually appears, explaining that they're encountering the different sides of her personality. Things go sideways when her demonic dad Trigon materializes, forcing every Raven to join together and defeat him. By the end of the episode, Cyborg and Beast Boy know their friend a whole lot better — and so do we.

14. X

Whether it's past trauma, past relationships, or past mistakes, one thing superheroes never seem to get away from is the past. That's the theme of the Robin-centric episode "X." While ruminating on the blurry lines between good and evil, Robin recounts how his efforts to take down Slade led him to create the villainous alter ego Red X, which he kept a secret from his friends. After nearly losing his life, his efforts failed. Now his suit, which is powered by a dangerous chemical called zynothium, has fallen into the hands of an unidentified interloper.

A guilt-riddled Robin pays a visit to the creepy Professor Chang, who was Robin's zynothium supplier back in his Red X days. Chang's intel leads the Titans into another confrontation with the new Red X, who confesses he's just a thief looking out for number one. While they hash out their various issues, Professor Chang capitalizes on the whole ordeal, stealing the zynothium and capturing the other Titans. This sleek episode introduces the mystery of the second Red X, who still has fans speculating all these years later. "X" also highlights an important aspect of Robin's character: his concerns about the nature of good and evil. It's one of the most fascinatingly dark moments in Robin's fictional history.

13. How Long is Forever?

"How Long is Forever?" begins with a cheery Starfire ready to celebrate Blorthog, the Tamaranean holiday of friendship. But her friends won't stop arguing over petty irritations. Just as she's fretting over how this discord could fester, the Titans are called to a museum, where they face off against a time-traveler named Warp. The Titans almost immediately find themselves outmatched by the foe. Engaged in close combat, Starfire jumps into a wormhole Warp opens and damages his suit. She finds herself stranded in a cold, desolate near-future, where Titans Tower is in ruins. 

Here, the Titans are no longer Titans, nor are they friends. A weary Cyborg's last power cell has long burned out, leaving him chained to the decrepit Tower. Raven lives in a bare room, muttering to herself. Beast Boy makes pennies as a one-man freak show. Robin has become Nightwing, a hero as cool as he is utterly solitary. His appearance, the focus on the Titans' friendship, and the complicated time travel dynamics at hand are just a few of the things that make this a stand-out episode and one of the very best Starfire stories ever told.

12. Betrayal

One of the most powerful episodes of "Teen Titans," "Betrayal" begins with the Titans facing off against Slade's minions. After they win the day, they head back to Titans Tower and heap praise on an uncomfortable Terra. Later that night, Beast Boy finally shares his feelings with her, presents her with a heart-shaped box, and asks her on a date. Though she's initially reluctant, she eventually agrees. As the pair dig into a couple of slices of diner pie and have fun in a theme park, Slade's robots attack Titans Tower, having gotten in with help from Terra. Just when they're about to kiss, Slade crashes the party.

In the ensuing fight, Terra comes clean about her betrayal. Devastated, Beast Boy rejects her. Terra leaves with Slade, her pain curdling into fury. The episode ends with Beast Boy curled up around the heart-shaped box in the form of a whimpering dog. "Betrayal" is one of the most gut-wrenching stories in the series, and one of the most truly human. It's hard not to sympathize with absolutely everyone present, which is a testament to the show's incredibly skillful adaptation of the infamous "Judas Contract" arc.

11. The Prophecy

The title of "The Prophecy" refers to the terrible prediction made on the day Raven was born. One day, the monks of Azarath intoned, she would bring about the destruction of the world. This is something she has failed to share with the other Titans. While Raven frets about this fate, the Titans battle Slade, who sports a mysterious symbol on his forehead. Soon, it's on Raven's as well. Searching for answers, the Titans visit an abandoned library, where Raven's symbol unlocks a hidden door leading to an underground lair. As fiery signs cover her body, Raven flees to Azarath. 

"The Prophecy" contains some major reveals regarding Raven's story, including an appearance from her mother. This forces Raven to address some of her most foundational issues, and appreciate the importance of her friendships with the Titans with new fervor. It's one of the most thrilling installments of what might be the show's darkest and most gripping storyline.

10. Go!

"Go!" is the Titans' long-awaited origin story. While stopping a thief in downtown Jump City, Robin discovers a handcuffed alien girl destroying parts of the city. In his efforts to stop her, he encounters a star-struck Beast Boy. Moments later, Cyborg appears, perturbed by the disruption to his neighborhood. A notably shy Raven shows up next, convincing them to stand down. Robin gets the memo and unshackles Starfire, who kisses him, then flees.

The fact that the Titans first come together to save one of their own is wonderfully satisfying. It's also immensely fun to see them establish their roles and relationships at this early stage: Robin and Starfire's romantic feelings are already present, Raven tentatively reaches out to her teammates, and Cyborg assumes a big-brotherly position. They don't yet know each other well — or even themselves — but they're on their way.

9. Calling All Titans

To protect young superheroes the world over, the Titans split up to give them their own Titan communicators. Unfortunately, the Brain and the Brotherhood of Evil are a few steps ahead of them: They're monitoring these efforts using a stolen Titan communicator of their own. Thus, the Brain picks the heroes off one by one. What ensues is an epic battle that tears the team apart as they desperately try to save their friends and allies. 

"Calling All Titans" is one of the bleaker episodes of the series. The Brain breaks down the good guys' defenses by stripping them of what makes them strongest: their teamwork and friendships. This episode is also a satisfying roll call of the show's best heroes and villains, many of whom are pit against each other in some pretty epic match-ups.

8. Aftershock: Part 1

The beginning of the two-episode finale of the Terra arc, "Aftershock: Part 1" deals with the aftermath of Terra's betrayal. The episode begins with Terra pledging her loyalty to Slade, who demands she destroy the Titans. As the Titans drive through Jump City, Terra appears to do just that. With Slade commanding her powers via her suit, Terra rains destruction on her former teammates, forcing them to retreat. She proceeds to hunt them down one by one and take over the city with Slade and his robotic minions. 

This episode is, in a word, intense. Watching Terra push Raven to the brink, causing her to lose control of her rage in a way she rarely does, is especially vivid. Terra's ruthlessness and cruelty — she even mocks Beast Boy — adds to the emotion of the episode: She is truly villainous here, and apparently free of regrets. Though the next episode reveals this viciousness is a façade, it's still jarring to see Terra give herself over to it.

7. Aftershock: Part 2

"Aftershock: Part 2" continues the reign of terror Terra begins in "Aftershock: Part 1." Despite her claims that she feels no regret over destroying the Titans, she's plagued by memories of their time together. Then the still-living Titans catch up with her, and her confidence cracks in two. Terra retreats to Slade's hideout, where her master subjects her to a vicious physical attack. Worse still, she realizes that the suit Slade made her has fused to her skin and nervous system. It can't be removed, which means she's permanently bound to the villain. There's truly no turning back for Terra ... or is there?

This is one of the show's weightiest episodes. Terra's ultimate sacrifice — which comes after she begs Beast Boy to kill her — is one of the most emotional moments of the entire show. Here, at the end of her arc, she's just a scared kid dealt a bad hand in life. But then she rises to the challenge and becomes a true hero. The plaque the Titans honor her with says it all: She's a Teen Titan and a true friend.

6. The End: Part 1

"The End: Part 1" is the first installment of the three-part Season Four finale. Aware that her prophesied destruction is drawing near, Raven decides to make her friends' last day on Earth perfect. She makes them breakfast, shares a pizza, and takes a walk in the park beside them. But Raven's peril becomes apparent when a solar eclipse darkens the sky and red symbols appear on her body. The Titans vow to protect her, and place her in a prepared quarantine room. Inside her head, Raven fights Trigon. Despite her efforts, he prevails, and forces her to become an interdimensional portal. Trigon arrives, apparently killing Raven, and lays waste to the planet.

One of the things that stands out most in this episode is Raven's love for her friends. She's determined to cherish her time with them, even if it goes against her own nature, and firmly resolves to bear the burden of the apocalypse alone. Even when their protections fail and she realizes the end has come, she shields them with her powers and tells them she never could have expected to make such wonderful friends. It's one of the most touching moments in the entire series.

5. The End: Part 2

"The End: Part 2" begins in the wake of the infernal prophecy's fulfillment: Raven is gone, Trigon is here, and the Earth has become a post-apocalyptic nightmare with a blood red sky, oceans of lava, and all of humanity transformed into stone. The remaining Titans are able to harness part of Raven's power, but they can't do much more than distract Trigon. As the defeated friends lament Raven's loss, Slade appears, and tells them there's still a way to save their friend and, perhaps, the world. Only one of them can make the journey, however, and so Robin joins Slade for a jaunt into the underworld. As they trek, Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Starfire go on the offensive against Trigon. 

Robin and Slade's team-up is one of the coolest things in the entire show. It's incredibly satisfying to watch them fight together and bicker over good and evil. Meanwhile, the other three Titans are forced to fight their own evil counterparts, which taunt them using their deepest insecurities. It sheds light on the characters in fascinating ways, and brings Trigon's evil brutally home.

4. The End: Part 3

After parting ways with Slade, Robin finds himself face-to-face with a younger version of Raven. She's dressed in white, and doesn't remember anything about the Titans. Carrying the frightened child out of the dangerous underworld, Robin recounts Raven's story to her, fashioning it into a tale of hope and bravery. Elsewhere, Starfire, Beast Boy, and Cyborg realize they'll never be able to defeat their evil selves, and decide to switch places. The gambit works, earning Trigon's wrath.

"The End: Part 3" concludes with an epic battle. But while all of the Titans' moves are very cool and seeing Slade turn on Trigon is immensely satisfying, this is Raven's moment. She is able to force her father back to his realm, restore the world and her friends, and claim her power for herself in one dazzling flood of white light. It's an incredibly moving way to bring her struggles to a head, and the perfect end to one of the series' most exciting arcs.

3. Birthmark

Raven is all too aware of her demonic heritage and the darkness surrounding her birthday. This explains her revulsion when the Titans throw her a surprise party, complete with a traditional Tamaranean crown of meat. Raven destroys the party decorations before she retires to her room to meditate and watch the clock tick. But her meditation is disrupted by her father, who tells her that her destiny must be fulfilled and the portal must be opened. 

Before she can absorb any of this, the team is alerted to Slade's return. He has a strange mark on his forehead, and is apparently unscathed by his fiery death in Season 2. He's also able to stop time. By the end of the episode, Slade gives Raven a red birthmark to match the one he bears and a horrifying vision of the future she is destined to create. It's an electric way to kick off Season 4's arc, and one of the darkest episodes of the entire series.

2. Haunted

Though Slade apparently dies in "Aftershock: Part 2," "Haunted" finds Robin not entirely convinced that their foe is gone for good. His fears appear to be justified when Slade emerges during a battle with Cinderblock. Robin gives chase, and his adversary tells him he's rigged the city with earthquake generators. Incensed, Robin sends the other Titans to hunt the generators down. 

But the Titans don't find any generators, and none of them, save Robin, ever see Slade. An enraged and paranoid Robin threatens to take them down, forcing Starfire to incapacitate him. But even strapping him to a bed doesn't stop Robin's frenzied rampage. Eventually, he's revealed to be hallucinating, due to the effects of a chemical reagent hidden in Slade's old mask. That doesn't make "Haunted" any less frightening, however. This is easily the scariest and most intense episode of the entire series, from the brutal beating Robin suffers at the hallucinatory Slade's hands to the moment he screams at Starfire for apparently letting his foe get away.

1. Titans Together

"Titans Together" follows "Calling All Titans," which leaves most of the world's young superheroes in terrible peril. Having evaded the Brotherhood of Evil, Beast Boy puts together a ragtag team comprised of Pantha, Más, Herald, and the unassuming Jericho (whom comic fans will recognize as Slade's son). Together, they manage to break into the Brotherhood's lair. A large-scale fight ensues, full of awesome team-ups and plenty of exciting nods to DC Comics canon. 

The cherry on top is seeing the temporary Titans thrive under Beast Boy's leadership. The often-goofy character shows his true potential here as a stalwart hero, loyal friend, and talented strategist. The episode ends with all of the honorary Titans coming together just as Doctor Light picks the worst possible time to rob a local bank. Seeing him face down pretty much every young superhero on the planet is as comical as it is exciting.