The 12 Most Heartwarming Ted Lasso Moments

Few shows have accomplished what Apple TV's "Ted Lasso" has. It's rare to see a show that seemingly checks every box — casting, production value, script, and, perhaps most importantly, heart. Without a doubt, "Ted Lasso" not only performs well in each of these aspects but has done so while earning rave reviews and building an enormous fanbase.

"Ted Lasso" takes fans on a journey of love, loss, and learning. The show follows the titular Ted, an American football coach from Kansas who is hired by a British soccer, or football, team to be the head coach. Going through a tough time yet remaining optimistic, Ted accepts the job and meets the characters who he will grow to regard as family. There's his coaching staff, management team, and players, all of which have larger-than-life personalities that give Ted a challenge.

Though "Ted Lasso" has a focus on sports, fans shouldn't be deterred from all of the substantial comedy-drama content. This show has something for everyone, including sports, romance, friendship, difficult realizations, and, of course, feel-good moments that will make any fan tear up. All of these moments are packed with direct and subliminal life lessons, but it's the positive story beats that seem to stick with viewers the most. Read on to find the most memorable heartwarming "Ted Lasso" scenes in chronological order.

Ted makes the biscuits

From the first episode of "Ted Lasso," it's clear Ted is a ray of sunshine who does whatever possible to keep spirits high, learn from others, and establish bonds. Episode 2, however, shows Ted's true character and adoration for other people. As soon as Ted arrives, Rebecca shows disdain for his kindness and charm. Of course, the audience eventually learns that this is because Rebecca hired him as a joke, but Ted doesn't know this yet.

Ted decides to treat Rebecca with his usual compassion and brings her biscuits every day to work as a way to bond with her. Rebecca, acting like she doesn't want the biscuits, sends Ted away and refuses his company nearly every time. All the while, she's trying to sabotage him and his success with the team because of her desire to see her ex-husband fail. However, since Rebecca does love biscuits, she sends her assistant on a wild goose chase to find where Ted buys those biscuits every day. She's unable to find them and continues with her sabotage of Ted. 

However, just as Rebecca is planning to plant incriminating pictures of Ted in the newspapers, the audience finds out that Ted actually hand-makes and wraps the biscuits for Rebecca every night. It's an extremely heartwarming twist that confirms for the audience how incredible Ted truly is.

Trent Crimm's assessment of Ted

Though the audience now knows Rebecca and Ted as very close friends, in the beginning, Rebecca does whatever is necessary to sabotage Ted. She plants pictures of him with the paparazzi, gives him bad advice, and connects him with the wrong people. However, one of her most manipulative attempts at sabotaging Ted involves Trent Crimm, the reporter from The Independent. In Episode 3 of Season 1, Rebecca arranges for Trent to spend the entire day with Ted and write an article about him in The Independent, despite knowing that Trent already doesn't like Ted from previous press conferences. Beyond that, she knows Trent is a very hard reporter who does not take kindly to fake niceties and would rather look beneath the surface to expose people.

Trent and Ted spend the entire day together. They share a meal together, Trent sees Ted and Roy trying to inspire school children, and they have a lot of deep conversations. When Rebecca receives an advanced copy of the article, she at first is very excited to hear it. However, upon having the article read to her, she discovers that Trent actually ended up loving Ted. He's inspired by the man he is, and even though he believes Ted will ultimately fail and bring Richmond down with him, Trent writes that he "won't gloat when it happens, because I can't help but root for him."

Rebecca comforts Ted during his panic attack

As Season 1 of "Ted Lasso" unfolds, the audience finds out that Ted struggles with his mental health, and specifically suffers from panic attacks. It becomes a huge plot point of the entire show, but in the Season 1 episode "Make Rebecca Great Again," he has one of his first major panic attacks since being in the U.K. In this episode, everyone is celebrating Rebecca's one-year anniversary of being divorced from her ex-husband while out of town for an away game. However, Ted doesn't have much to celebrate because he just received his divorce papers from his wife and is struggling to come to terms with the end of his marriage.

In the episode, they all go to a karaoke bar to sing, drink, and have a good time. Rebecca starts singing "Let It Go" from "Frozen," and though everyone is extremely impressed with her talents, Ted finds himself having a panic attack. He quickly leaves the bar and sits outside on the street, cradling his head in his hands. In this heart-wrenching scene, it's Rebecca who pulls Ted out of his panic attack and tells him to breathe. She comforts him, gives him a hug, and sends him back to the hotel where he can recuperate. 

It's the first time we really see Rebecca emotionally connect with Ted, and it's heartwarming to see that even though she hired him to fail, she still cares about him.

The game of darts

Ted and Rebecca's relationship really begins after Ted's panic attack, but it solidifies after Ted sticks up for Rebecca against her ex-husband, Rupert, in a game of darts. Rebecca openly struggles with her divorce, which is the catalyst for hiring Ted in the first place. However, we see Ted and Rebecca come to an understanding with each other since Ted is dealing with his own divorce.

In the Season 1 episode "The Diamond Dogs," Rupert brings his young girlfriend, whom he left Rebecca for, to Rebecca's workplace and local bar to rub their relationship in Rebecca's face. Rebecca, heartbroken, does what she can to navigate the situation, but it's really Ted who sticks up for her.

Rupert starts acting condescending toward Ted. Knowing Rupert will underestimate him, Ted challenges him to a game of darts, suggesting that if Rupert wins, he can pick the lineup for the last two games of the season. However, if Ted wins, Rupert isn't allowed to go anywhere near the owner's box as long as Rebecca is still in charge. The two play a rousing game that ends up being neck and neck. Ted, in the final round of the game, gives Rupert an inspiring speech, Ted Lasso style, and beats him. It shows Rebecca how Ted has her back no matter what and that Rupert is a sad man who doesn't deserve Rebecca anyway.

Ted forgives Rebecca

Watching Rebecca and Ted become close friends makes the audience wonder when she will tell Ted the truth about why she hired him. There's no way that they can have an honest friendship if Ted doesn't know why he really was brought to coach AFC Richmond. In the Season 1 episode "Beard After Hours," Rebecca decides she's going to tell Ted the truth about what she did. However, she struggles to bring herself to do it. The final push she needs comes from her ex-husband Rupert, who tells Rebecca that he's going to have a baby with his new girlfriend. Throughout their entire marriage, Rupert said he didn't want children, so Rebecca is crushed.

She decides she doesn't want there to be any secrets between her and Ted. She confesses everything: the article, the photos of him and Keeley, and the transfer of Jamie Tartt. She tells him how sorry she is and even wells up a bit. Ted immediately forgives her and tells her how he understands how hard divorce is. The two hug and Ted explains that because they care about one another, there isn't anything they can't get through together. It finally takes away the nerve-wracking secret from their friendship and paves the way for Ted and Rebecca to become closer than ever.

Keeley comforts Roy after his injury

One of the most surprisingly beautiful relationships in the show is the one that develops between Keeley and Roy. The couple has gone through good times and bad times in this show, but one of the cutest moments between the two is in the Season 1 episode "No Weddings and a Funeral," after Roy retires from soccer. AFC Richmond is competing against Jamie Tartt for the last match of the season — a game that will determine whether the team stays in their current league or will face relegation. The competition is really intense, but it's made especially difficult because Roy takes out Jamie Tartt, who is about to score a major goal for the other team. In doing so, Roy screws up his knee and is officially done as a professional soccer player.

That scene starts out heartbreaking, with the fans chanting his name and cheering him off the field. However, it's Keeley who makes the scene become heartwarming. After Roy heads back to the locker room, confused and in distress, Keeley leaves the stands and goes to be with him. At first, he's really harsh and tries to get her to leave him alone. Thankfully, Keeley doesn't let up, sitting next to the emotionally distressed Roy and holding him. Roy has a tough time letting anyone in emotionally, so this scene is really heartwarming to watch as he finally lets Keeley comfort him in his time of need.

The extra pass note

The Season 1 finale of Ted Lasso is packed with a lot of excitement and heartbreak. Still, one of the most heartwarming moments, which once again serves as a testament to the character of Ted Lasso, is the extra pass note that is seen near the end of the episode. A big plot point in Season 1 was Jamie Tartt's unhappiness with AFC Richmond and desire to transfer to another team. The final match of the season puts Jamie's new team against his former squad, and the stakes are high. Jamie is at first busted by Roy, Kent, but ends up using a lesson that Ted taught him and makes an extra pass to his teammate, who ends up scoring the winning goal.

It is inspiring to see Jamie play for the good of the team and grow as an individual. Ted thinks so too and gives Coach Beard a note to take to Jamie congratulating him for making the extra pass. This is directly juxtaposed with Jamie's father, who gives him great verbal abuse for making the extra pass when he could've won the game all on his own. It's a really sweet moment for the audience to see Jamie realize that Ted and AFC Richmond are truly his home and to show how Ted always rises above — even when he loses.

Roy tells Rebecca what she deserves

Roy Kent is always full of surprises. Whether he's at the center of a funny moment, saying exactly the right thing, or building his relationship with Keeley, Roy is, without a doubt, one of the strongest characters on the show. However, one of his most memorable heartwarming moments comes from the premier episode of Season 2. Keeley and Roy go on a double date with Rebecca and John, the man she's seeing. At the end of the date, Rebecca turns to Keeley for her advice on what she thinks of John and if she thinks they are good together. Rebecca is coming out of her divorce and is struggling to start dating again, so she can't quite tell if John is the one for her.

Keeley tells her that logistically, he's a good match, being age-appropriate, financially well-off, and very social. Roy then becomes visibly upset, causing Rebecca to become confused. Roy tells her that John is fine and that there's nothing wrong with that, but he doesn't understand why Rebecca thinks John is deserving of her. He tells her, "You deserve someone who makes you feel like you've been struck by f***ing lightning! Don't you dare settle for fine." Keeley and Rebecca are both shocked by Roy's assessment, but they all are in agreement. It's a powerful moment in which Rebecca finally realizes her self-worth.

You had me at coach

Many of the most heartwarming moments in Season 2 come from Roy Kent. After Roy retires from playing soccer, it isn't clear what he will do next. He's still happy with Keeley but struggling to find himself. In the Season 2 episode "Rainbow," Ted enlists Roy's expertise as team captain to help get Isaac out of his funk and be the captain the team needs. Ted then proposes that Roy become a coach at AFC Richmond, which Roy isn't eager about at all. Instead, Roy takes a pundit job, which he ends up hating.

When he realizes that coaching is what he's meant to do, he makes a romantic comedy-style rush to the stadium to accept the job from Ted. The scene that ensues is chaotic, as they won't initially let Roy into the game until he has a ticket and his knee hurts badly from getting to the stadium so quickly. However, he composes himself, walks calmly across the pitch while all the fans cheer his name, and approaches the coaching staff. Ted greets him by saying, "Hello, coach," and begins to tell him how happy they are to have him there, to which Roy responds, "Shut up. Just shut up. You had me at coach." Ted, Coach Beard, and the rest of the team are thrilled, and the scene is an adorable homage to a classic rom-com setup.

Roy comforts Jamie after his father leaves

Jamie Tartt's character development is really powerful to watch. He begins the show being a jerk to everyone around him, including his girlfriend Keeley, his teammates, and especially Ted. He even ends up leaving AFC Richmond because he thinks he's better than the team and that Ted will bring them all down. However, in Season 2, Jamie comes back to play for AFC Richmond and is greeted with chilly attitudes from his teammates. Ted tries to bring them together — but what really brings Jamie back into the fold is Roy comforting him in "Man City."

Jamie gets tickets for his father to watch one of the AFC Richmond matches, despite not wanting to. To make matters worse, his father and friends are rooting for Manchester City, not AFC Richmond. Ted knows Jamie has suffered abuse from his father, but the entire team sees it firsthand when Jamie's father comes into the locker room and starts taunting Jamie and his teammates after a loss. Jamie tells his father to leave many times, but when he doesn't and his dad starts getting physical, Jamie punches him in the face before his dad is removed by Coach Beard. 

After a moment of awkward silence, Roy walks right over to Jamie and wraps him in a tight hug. It's the perfect olive branch, and Roy was exactly the right person to provide him comfort at that moment.

Singing at a funeral

The Season 2 episode "No Weddings and a Funeral" is regarded as one of the best of the series. It has received Emmy nominations and awards for its brilliance and features some of Hannah Waddingham's best acting work as Rebecca. The episode starts with Rebecca's mother breaking the bad news that her father has died. They prepare for the funeral, and everyone shows up — all of AFC Richmond, her longtime friend Sassy, and, unfortunately, Rupert, her ex-husband. She's distraught, and all she wants to do is be with Sam, but their relationship is still a secret.

The heartwarming moment comes from Rebecca's singing. She's forced to give the eulogy she doesn't want to give. Ted finally shows up, and now that all her favorite people are there, she feels strong enough to begin. However, she struggles with finding her words, so she just starts singing "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley. Ted continues for her when she feels she can't go on, and the crowd joins in. It's a tear-jerking moment where everyone helps Rebecca through a confusing and hard time — while in the process showing the true meaning and heart of "Ted Lasso." 

The team perfects the Bye Bye Bye dance

As Season 2 draws to a close, there are many plot lines to follow with the individual characters. However, one of the most compelling characters in Season 2 is the enigmatic Dr. Sharon, the team's psychologist. Though she's a big part of the season, she makes her leave in this episode. Knowing her time is coming to a close and how much she helped him while she was there, Ted decides to throw her a going away party. To do something special for her, Ted teaches the entire team the dance to NSYNC's "Bye Bye Bye." He tells them it's not about being great at the dance, just that they put in the effort to do something special for her.

Ted teaching the team the dance is endearing in and of itself, but the real heartwarming moment comes from the team's reaction to perfecting the dance. Ted works so hard to get them to do it right, so when Coach Beard takes over the rehearsal during one of their practices and the team executes the dance flawlessly, it's an exciting moment. Their reaction is still the best part, though. Coach Beard tells them that the dance is exactly right, and they all start jumping, screaming, and celebrating. It's another great testament to the camaraderie that exists so heavily in this show and a heartwarming end to Season 2.