James Cameron Actually Has A Heartwarming Reason For Spamming Us With Avatar Movies

When it first hit theaters in 2009, James Cameron's "Avatar" proved to be an original, action-packed epic that arguably defined the sci-fi genre for a generation of moviegoers. It also, of course, proved a legit hit with both critics and audiences (per Rotten Tomatoes), which helped it become the highest-grossing movie in history (per Box Office Mojo). "Avatar" held that crown for a full decade, finally ceding the throne to "Avengers: Endgame" in 2019. As fate would have it, "Avatar" eventually re-captured the top spot via a 2021 re-release in China (via Entertainment Weekly), and the film has only padded its lead with a recent re-release in U.S. theaters.

Regarding that U.S. release, it comes more than a decade after the original film's record-smashing theatrical run, and it is more or less geared toward re-kindling interest in the world of "Avatar" ahead of the release of its upcoming sequel. Said sequel is titled "Avatar: The Way of Water," and is the first of four follow-ups Cameron has in the works. And yes, each sequel seemingly boasts potential to challenge the first "Avatar" for the box office crown.

Box office potential aside, work on the films will keep Cameron occupied through 2028, meaning that when all is said and done, he'll have given well over a decade of his career to "Avatar" flicks. If you're wondering why he'd do that, the filmmaker explained his decision to keep "Avatar" going in a recent interview, and his reasons go far beyond financial gain.  

Seems Cameron has a lot of love for his extended Avatar family

In fact, James Cameron's reason for getting the old "Avatar" gang back together for a lengthy run of sequels is downright heartwarming. As Games Radar reported "The Terminator" mastermind claimed during a recent press conference that he was essentially inspired to make more movies because he wanted to work with the "Avatar" cast and crew again. 

"Looking back with the perspective of now 12 years later, I'm proudest in a general sense of the team," Cameron said. He went on to note that includes talent working both behind, and in front of the camera. "There's the beauty that was created by the artists, the designers, the set builders — the people that sort of built out that world in all its detail and all the creatures in it, and every blade of grass. But there's also the human beauty that was created by this cast that's sitting here right now. Just this amazing ability to play, to create, to become people, and to do it in different forms."

In Cameron's estimation, the bonds he formed with cast and crew on the original film were distinctly familial, and the desire to work with them again indeed drove him to write more "Avatar" tales, with the director noting, "I just wanted to continue with this family, which is such a great, great experience." 

That's more than fitting as familial bonds were a central theme in the original film, and per "The Way of Water" trailer, will clearly play a major role the upcoming sequels. Here's hoping Cameron and his "Avatar" family recapture the same magic that made the first film such a spectacular success.