Werewolf By Night Director Finally Responds To Blade Cameo Rumors

After the unique and mind-bending debut of Marvel's "Moon Knight," it was only a matter of time before "Werewolf By Night" reared its wild head. Not only do the two properties have an appreciation for lunar events in common, but a comic as well. Moon Knight's first appearance was in "Werewolf By Night" #33 as a mercenary hired to dispatch a certain werewolf. Now with the success of Oscar Isaac in the roles of Steven, Marc, and Jake, Marvel is ready to tackle the titular werewolf Jack Russell (Gael García Bernal). The first trailer for "Werewolf By Night" leans into the older monster movie aesthetic heavily and with a certain amount of glee. Filmed entirely in black and white, the movie presentation depicts a faction of monster hunters who are unaware there is one of their enemies within their midst.

With a heavy amount of gore and enthusiastic acting, "Werewolf By Night" is sure to be something that Marvel fans have not seen on screen as of yet. But there is still one question that remains before the Halloween special airs. With the acceptance of old-school monsters in the world of Marvel, does that mean famous vampire hunter Blade will make his first appearance in the MCU?

Werewolf By Night is a standalone story

If you haven't heard the name Michael Giacchino, you are more than likely still aware of his work. The "Werewolf By Night" director has had few directing credits, but his contribution to composing music is astounding. "Star Trek," "Rogue One," and "The Batman" are just a few films he has scored, and now, he is directing his talents towards the newest Marvel project (via IMDb). When speaking to One Take News, Giacchino shed some light on his origins while also potentially devastating fans of Blade who had hoped the vampire-human hybrid would make an appearance.

"You know what, rumors are insanely inaccurate I would say ... 99.9% of the time," Giacchino acknowledged. "The thing about the Marvel Cinematic Universe is everyone thinks that every single thing is going to be connected. Every single thing. And it doesn't mean that we're not connected. But, I didn't feel the need to blatantly say we were." Though the upcoming "Blade" film is one of the more anticipated reboots for the MCU, there is something refreshing about a director not wanting to connect every single frame to another IP. As a standalone film, "Werewolf By Night" is unprecedented and has the freedom to be on its own. Giacchino concluded: "You know, they can all live together but we don't need to always show them together."